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Futsal Players Defended the Gold

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From the 23 to 26 January 2012 the winter part of the Slovak University Games was organised by Matel Bel University in Banská Bystrica. Among the 12 sports which were on the programme of the games, futsal was also included. The best teams from 4 regions – the East, the Central, the West and Bratislava region competed in the Gym of Dukla Banská Bystrica on Štiavičky. The East team led by PaedDr. Imrich Staško was made up of 6 UPJŠ students  –  Mgr. Macej Jaroslav (graduate of UPJŠ Faculty of Science), Anton Lojan and Pavol Janič (UPJŠ Faculty of Law) , Ladislav Škyvra (UPJŠ Faculty of Medicine), Maroš Magoč (UPJŠ Institute of Physical Education and Sport) and Michal Tekáč (UPJŠ Faculty of Science) and 4 students of Technical University in Košice – Peter Serbin, Michal Domanič, Maroš Sasák and Peter Bartoš. They defended their first place from 4 years ago and won all the matches without the loss of a single point.

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