{"id":15153,"date":"2022-06-22T14:03:08","date_gmt":"2022-06-22T14:03:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/pracoviska\/botanicka-zahrada\/root\/odborne-aktivity\/volume-29-2019-abstracts\/"},"modified":"2022-10-05T09:04:51","modified_gmt":"2022-10-05T09:04:51","slug":"volume-29-2019-abstracts","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/pracoviska\/botanicka-zahrada\/odborne-aktivity\/thaiszia-2\/volume-29-2019-abstracts\/","title":{"rendered":"THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 29, 2019 \u2013 abstracts"},"content":{"rendered":"

THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 29, 2019 \u2013 abstracts<\/strong><\/p>\n

vol. 29\/1
vol. 29\/2<\/strong><\/p>\n

Yeremenko N. (2019): <\/strong>Ruderal vegetation of the class Polygono-Poetea annuae in Kryvyi Rih (Ukraine) \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (1): 001-021. \u2013 https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-1-01<\/p>\n

Abstract<\/em>: The present paper studies the ruderal vegetation of the class Polygono-Poetea annuae in Kryvyi Rih. We present the ruderal plant communities of short annual species on the open, moist to dry ecotopes. Urban landscapes remain unstudied phytosociologically despite the highly diverse habitat niches. We have carried out the comparisons of communities from other regions of Ukraine and adjacent territories. In total, two associations and two variants, belonging to alliance were identified and categorized as follows Polygono-Coronopodion (the communities with the dominance of Polygonum aviculare). The ordination analysis indicates ecological differentiation of syntaxa investigated in Kryvyi Rih. The most important of them are soil water regime (Hd), variability of damping (fH) and soil aeration (Ae).
Keywords<\/em>: syntaxonomy, classification, trampled vegetation, ecological differentiation.
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Ku\u010dera P. (2019)<\/strong>: Two new wet woodlands with Norway spruce from the Western Carpatians. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (1): 023-049. \u2013 \u00a0https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-1-02<\/p>\n

Abstract<\/em>: Two new associations of wet woodlands with Picea abies from the Western Carpathians are described. Stands of the first unit, Leucobryo glauci-Piceetum abietis, are located on dryer margins of mires, on plains where water from snow melting and rains remains considerable long above the soil surface. The most characteristic sign of the species-poor flora of this forest plant community is the dominance of moss Leucobryum glaucum accompanied by constant presence of Sphagnum spp. Two subassociations are distinguished in respect of the ecological differences. The second described plant community, association Stellario nemorum-Abietetum albae, occupies quite different habitat of spring areas and other more wet localities. Abies alba plays an important role in the canopy, field layer is characterised by constant presence of Stellaria nemorum, Equisetum sylvaticum, Oxalis acetosella, Senecio ovatus, Chaerophyllum hirsutum, Lysimachia nemorum and other species. Three subassociations and five variants are distinguished.
Keywords<\/em>: Abies alba, ground-water, mire, Picea abies, phytocoenology, spring areas, syntaxonomy, Western Carpathians.
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Dud\u00e1\u0161 M. (2019): <\/strong>Taraxacum sect. Erythrosperma in Slovakia. Part I. Addenda to distribution of Taraxacum cristatum. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (1): 051-059. \u2013 https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-1-03<\/p>\n

Abstract<\/em>: New distribution data of Taraxacum cristatum (T. scanicum group), described in the year 2005, in Slovakia were recorded. During the intensive study of Slovak dandelions in herbarium collections and field course, additional 22 localities were found. The species has been recorded in 17 phytogeographical districts up to now, with the highest frequency in the western and the southern part of the country, preferring dry and xerothermic steppe grasslands, pastures and dry meadows from the class Festuco-Brometea. The altitudinal maximum in Slovakia, in 668 m a. s. l. was recorded in the Str\u00e1\u017eovsk\u00e9 vrchy Mts. on the top of Mt. Baba. The updated distribution map is attached.
Keywords<\/em>: dandelion, Central Europe, xerothermic habitats, Taraxacum scanicum group.
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Ku\u010dera P. (2019):<\/strong> Quercus banatus grows in Slovenia. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (1): 061-069. \u2013 \u00a0https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-1-04<\/p>\n

Abstract<\/em>: Occurrence of Quercus banatus P. Ku\u010dera (= Q. aurea Wierzb., nom illeg.; Q. dalechampii auct. medioeur. non Ten.) was confirmed in Slovenia during a brief trip to \u0160kocjan Caves in the \u0160kocjan Caves Regional Park (southwestern Slovenia). The species is not recognized in the national Slovenian flora \u2013 Mala flora Slovenije, although it was recorded in the Atlas Florae Europaeae (under the name \u201cQ. dalechampii\u201d). Q. banatus individuals were recently found on two sites: on the slope of a natural bridge between collapse dolines Velika dolina and Mala dolina and on parking lot next to the Park\u2019s Information Centre.
Keywords<\/em>: distribution, Quercus, Quercus petraea group, \u0160kocjanske jame.
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Maslo S., \u0160ari\u0107 \u0160., Sarjli\u0107 N. (2019):<\/strong> Chinese silver grass Miscanthus sinensis (Poaceae): new alien species in the flora of Bosnia and Hetzegovina. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (1): 071-075. \u2013 \u00a0https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-1-05<\/p>\n

Abstract<\/em>: Chinese silver grass Miscanthus sinensis Andersson is native in southeastern Asia. It has been recorded as new to the vascular flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at two localities near the town of Zavidovi\u0107i. The paper presents a short morphological description, photographs of the new alien species for Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the distribution of the taxon.
Keywords<\/em>: alien plants, Bosnia and Herzegovina, distribution, Miscanthus, morphology.
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D\u00edt\u011b Z., D\u00edt\u011b D., Fer\u00e1kov\u00e1 V. (2019):<\/strong> Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., new species of the adventive flora of Slovakia. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (1): 077-084. \u2013 https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-1-06<\/p>\n

Abstract<\/em>: First two records of Eleusine indica in Slovakia are presented. This exotic grass species originating from the tropical Old World was found in the Podunajsk\u00e1 n\u00ed\u017eina Lowland (Eupannonicum): in 2017 in \u0160t\u00farovo and the next year in Bratislava, municipal part Karlova Ves. Both populations counted only three individuals grown in the pavement cracks. The habitat conditions of each locality in detail are characterized. Whereas Slovakia is among the last countries where E. indica was just discovered within Europe, we discuss the environmental conditions and the origin of the species in the backlight of earlier studies related to its occurrence in the surrounding countries.
Keywords<\/em>: urban ecosystems, roadsides, new record, Eleusine indica, casual alien, plant invasion.
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Jimoh M. O., Afolayan A. J., Lewu F. B. (2019):<\/strong> Germination response of Amaranthus caudatus L. to soil types and environmental conditions. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (1): 085-100. \u2013 https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-1-07<\/p>\n

Abstract<\/em>: Little attention is being paid to Amaranthus caudatus in the Eastern Cape Province and other parts of South Africa as a vegetable that has huge potentials in bridging nutritional gap between the rich and the poor. This work investigated germination response of the plant to environmental conditions and variation in its germination characteristics at various depths in different soil types with the intent of complementing limited data available on the general agronomy of the species. At the end of the study, the highest germination was recorded at 25 \u00b0C and under continuous dark conditions, although the seeds germinated well under a wide range of temperatures and other photoperiods. The species germinated under all seeding depths considered, though late emergence was observed at depths below 2 cm. In addition, a significant (P < 0.05) interaction in pattern of germination was observed in three out of the five soil types tested, whereas the control (unfractionated) soil showed a highly significant (P < 0.01) interaction with the silt clay loam and loam soil. This overlapping interaction further confirmed that the plant has wide surviving capabilities in various soils and environmental conditions, hence, for optimum seedling emergence, it is recommended that A. caudatus be planted in a loamy soil maintained at 25 \u00b0C in a continuous dark environment.
Keywords<\/em>: Alternating temperatures, Amaranthus caudatus, germination characteristics, photoperiods, sowing depth.
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Dud\u00e1\u0161 M. (ed.), Eli\u00e1\u0161 P., Mikol\u00e1\u0161 V., Turis P., Turisov\u00e1 I. (2019):<\/strong> New floristic records from Central Europe 3 (reports 13\u201340). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (1): 101-110. \u2013 https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-1-08<\/p>\n

Abstract<\/em>: The third part of the series includes 28 new chorological records of vascular plants from Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, Transcarpathian Ukraine and Romania. From Austria, new record of Hyoscyamus niger was reported. In Czechia in the B\u00edl\u00e9 Karpaty Mts., new sites of Corydalis lutea, Ranunculus arvensis and Thlaspi perfoliatum were recorded. In eastern Slovakia, two neophyte species Robinia viscosa and Pyrethrum parthenium were found and the new altitudinal maximum for halophyte species Taraxacum bessarabicum in 418 m above sea level was recorded. In the Ukrainian Carpathians, new sites of Lycopodium alpinum and Phyteuma vagneri in the massif of the Polonina Krasna were found as well as new records of Aronia melanocarpa and Inula helenium in the valley of the Latorica river. From the Romanian Carpathians, Festuca stricta subsp. saxatilis, Pulmonaria filarszkyana, Saxifraga luteoviridis and Silene zawadzkii in the Maramure\u015f Mts. were recorded as well as rare orchid Ophrys insectifera from Retezat Mts.
Keywords<\/em>: chorology, vascular plants, Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, Transcarpathian Ukraine, Romania, new reports, B\u00edl\u00e9 Karpaty Mts., Eastern Carpathians, Maramure\u015f Mts., Retezat Mts., Red list species.
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Davydova A. (2019)<\/strong>: Syntaxonomy of the vegetation of National Nature Park Dzharylhatskyi. Classes Cakiletea maritimae <\/em>and Ammophiletea<\/em>. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (2): 111-132. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-2-01<\/p>\n

Abstract: <\/em>The papers aims to clarify the syntaxonomic structure of communities of the halo-nitrophylous and annual vegetation within the coastal line of National Nature Park Dzharylhatskyi. Vegetation is represented by 6 associations, 1 subassociation and 1 basal community belonging to 2 alliances, 2 orders and 2 classes. The paper provides the classification scheme, phytocoenotic and synoptic tables, geobotanical profile and characteristics of associations. Furthermore, values of ordinal and phytoindicational analyses for 12 environmental factors are cited. Three syntaxa (associations Centaureo odessanae-Elymetum gigantei<\/em>, Cakilo euxinae-Salsoletum tragi<\/em>, subassociation Cakilo euxinae-Salsoletum tragi elytrigietosum bessarabicae<\/em>) have been firstly indicated for this territory.
Keywords: <\/em>syntaxonomy, ordination, phytoindication, coastal habitats, National Nature Park Dzharylhatskyi, Ukraine.
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Amini E., Nasrollahi F., Sattarian A., Isazadeh-Araei M. & Habibi M. (2019)<\/strong>: Systematic and molecular biological study of Sambucus <\/em>L. (Caprifoliaceae) in Iran. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (2): 133-150. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-2-02<\/p>\n

Abstract: Sambucus <\/em>is a medicinal plant with approximately 25 accepted taxa in the world from which two are present in Iran, S. nigra <\/em>and S. ebulus. <\/em>In order to evaluate the affinities and relationships in Sambucus <\/em>and resurrect subspecies or verities in these two species, the micro-morphological, anatomical and molecular properties of Sambucus <\/em>species of Iran have been studied. Pollen and seed surfaces of two species were examined with scanning electron microscope. In micro-morphological studies, the pollen shape is prolate-spheroidal in S. nigra <\/em>but subprolate in S. ebulus<\/em>. The exine sculpture is microperforate in S. nigra <\/em>and is reticulate-microechinate in S. ebulus<\/em>. The surface of the seed in S. nigra <\/em>is smooth, not elongated and no clear organizational pattern is discernable and the anticlinal walls are shallowly undulate. In S. ebulus<\/em>, the seeds have a microperforate surface and the anticlinal walls are observed deeply undulate. Petiole anatomical studies show that vascular bundles and existence of druse crystals are diagnostic characters in studied species. Using nuclear (nrDNA ITS) marker, we reconstructed phylogenetic relationships within two species of Sambucus<\/em>. The ITS dataset was analyzed by phylogenetic methods including Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony. In phylogenetic analyses, all members of this genus form a well-supported clade (PP = 1, ML\/BS = 100\/100). The Sambucus <\/em>clade is composed of two clades. Clade I includes the populations of S. nigra <\/em>and the clade II comprises the rest of the species of Sambucus <\/em>(S. ebulus<\/em>). NeighborNet diagram demonstrated separation of the studied populations. In general, molecular studies supported micro-morphological findings. Pollen, seed-coat characters and molecular phylogeny support the separation of S. nigra <\/em>and S. ebulus.<\/em> Keywords: <\/em>Iran, micro-morphological, molecular, nrDNA ITS, pollen, Sambucus<\/em>, seed.
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Kopriv\u00fd L., M\u00e1rtonfiov\u00e1 L., Kocov\u00e1 V., Fr\u00e1kov\u00e1 V. & M\u00e1rtonfi P. (2019)<\/strong>: Genome size and distribution of Adenostyles alliariae <\/em>in Slovakia. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (2): 151-177. – \u00a0https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-2-03<\/p>\n

Abstract: Adenostyles alliariae <\/em>(Gouan) A. Kerner (Asteraceae<\/em>) represents a single species of the genus Adenostyles <\/em>in Slovakia. In the paper it is characterized from the point of view of chromosome number, genome size, breeding systems and distribution in Slovakia. Chromosome number 2n = 38 was confirmed in this study. Flow cytometric analyses resulted showed the genome size 18,19 pg for leaves and 19,4 pg for seeds. The flow cytometric seed screen method proved, on the basis of embryo to endosperm genome size ratio, that the species reproduces sexually. The occurrence of the species is bound to all higher mountain ranges of West Carpathians, above all to the Mal\u00e1 Fatra Mts., the Ve\u013ek\u00e1 Fatra Mts., the N\u00edzke Tatry Mts. and Tatry Mts.
Keywords: <\/em>nuclear DNA amount, chromosome number, occurence, mountain flora, Carpathians.
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Kovalenko O. A. & Kalista, M. S. (2019)<\/strong>: Germination bi\u00adology of Parthenocissus quinquefolia <\/em>(L.) Planch. (Vi\u00adtaceae). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (2): 179-190. – \u00a0https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-2-04<\/p>\n

Abstract: <\/em>We tested germination of seeds of Partheno-cissus quin\u00adquefolia <\/em>(L.) Planch. (Vitaceae) in laboratory in response to dif\u00adferent ecological factors: light intensity, temperature, humidity, acidity and salinity. Our results show that the most critical ecolog\u00adical factor is humidity. The highest rank of germination was 73 % in condition of sufficient moisture, 37 % in condition of excessive moisture and only 3 % in condition with insufficient moisture. Among variants with different reaction of medium the most suc\u00adcessful germination was at pH 7 (73 %) and pH 9 (44 %). Anoth\u00ader significant factor for seedlings germination of P. quinquefolia <\/em>is lighting, since at full-dark, dark and semi-dark conditions the lev\u00adel of germination was 0 %, 2 % and 24 % respectively. The per\u00adcentage of P. quinquefolia <\/em>germination decreases with increasing salinity level. The most optimal germination regime was at +25 \u00b0C. Further study of P. quinquefolia <\/em>biology will allow to clari\u00adfy the difference in naturalization level between this species and closely related P. vitacea <\/em>as well as to estimate the possibility of transformation of the introduced species into invasive.
Keywords: <\/em>germination, ecological factors, Parthenocissus quinque\u00adfolia.<\/em>
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Goncharenko, I. & Kovalenko, O. (2019)<\/strong>: Oak forest of the class Quercetea pubescentis <\/em>in Central-Eastern Ukraine. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (2): 191-215. – \u00a0https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-2-05<\/p>\n

\u00a0Abstract: <\/em>The article is devoted to the phytosociological study and vegetation classification of the dry-mesic oak forests in the central and eastern regions of Ukraine. We showed that oak for\u00adests of the Quercetea pubescentis <\/em>class have specific northern features in the region and their syntaxonomic position at the level of alliances was not assigned. Syntaxa formed three dis\u00adtinct geographical groups eastward from the Dnieper lowland to the Middle Russian Upland. Ordination, phytoindication, and comparative floristic analysis with other syntaxa from adjacent regions were performed. New associations (Digitali grandiflo\u00adrae-Quercetum roboris <\/em>ass. nova and Carici praecocis-Querce\u00adtum roboris <\/em>ass. nova) were reported. Two edaphic subtypes of dry-mesic oak forests (terrace and ravine oak forests) were distin\u00adguished and their floristic features were discussed.
Keywords: <\/em>forest-steppe zone, Quercetea pubescentis, <\/em>syntaxono\u00admy, thermophilous oak forests, Ukraine.
Full text<\/a>, Supplementary materials<\/a><\/p>\n

Naydenova, G. & Vasileva, V. (2019)<\/strong>: The potential breeding value of snow clover (Trifolium pratense <\/em>ssp. nivale <\/em>(W.D.J. Koch) Arcang.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense <\/em>ssp. sativum<\/em>) hybrids. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (2): 217-224. – \u00a0https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-2-06<\/p>\n

Abstract: <\/em>Eight red clover subspecies are registered in Europe but it can be considered that the high genetic diversity and local genetic adaptation existing at a subspecies level is unused. The experiment aimed at studying agronomical traits of the hybrids obtained from crosses of wild subspecies of Trifolium pratense <\/em>– snow clover (Trifolium pratense ssp. nivale <\/em>(W.D.J. Koch) Arcang.) and cultivated red clover (Trifolium pratense ssp. sativum<\/em>). Under field conditions, two snow clover half-sib families – F1 generation of crossbreeding were selected and compared to the paternal variety Nika 11 for three years. According to results, the size, habit of growth as well as dry matter productivity at spring growth of the F1 hybrids were similar to the cultivated red clover. In summer regrowth, they were less productive. In terms of a type and rate of development the hybrids were similar to snow clover. From morphological point of view, the families proved of interest with its abundant leafiness, which renders them suitable for breeding in pasture direction. The hybrids are characterized by an icreased number of seeds per inflorescence and seed yield. The open-pollinated seeds of families were used for the formation of a population that represented the F2 generation progenies. The phenotypic variation in the first vegetation of F2 generation was high for plant flower colour, growth habit, and degree of pubescence. It can be considered that this population contains a high genetic variation and is suitable for development of complex hybrid breeding populations.
Keywords: <\/em>intersubspecific hybrids, morphological traits, red clover, productivity, snow clover.
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Maslo, S. & \u0160ari\u0107, \u0160. (2019)<\/strong>: Datura innoxia <\/em>Mill. (Solanaceae), a new alien species in the flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (2): 225-230. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-2-07<\/p>\n

Abstract: <\/em>Downy thorn-apple Datura innoxia <\/em>Mill is native in southwest U.S.A. and Mexico. It has been recorded as a new alien species to the vascular flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, D. innoxia <\/em>is reported from two localities in the city of Mostar where the species has escaped cultivation and established small populations in surrounding ruderal habitats including waste land. The species is toxic to animals and humans. The paper presents a short morphological characteristic and photographs as well as the distribution of the species in the Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Keywords: <\/em>alien plants, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Datura<\/em>, distribution, garden escape, morphology.
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Dud\u00e1\u0161, M., Malovcov\u00e1-Stan\u00edkov\u00e1, M., Pliszko, A., Schieber, B. & Zieli\u0144ski, J. (2019)<\/strong>: New floristic records from Central Europe 4 (reports 41-53). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (2): 231-237. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-2-08<\/p>\n

Abstract: <\/em>The fourth part of the series includes 13 new chorological records of vascular plants from Poland and Slovakia. From Poland, the first record of Rubus austroslovacus <\/em>from the Vistula River valley is given as well as the first record of Erigeron <\/em>\u00d7huelsenii <\/em>from Silesia. Beside this, spontaneous occurrence of Portulaca grandiflora <\/em>in Krak\u00f3w and P. oleracea <\/em>subsp. oleracea <\/em>in Suwa\u0142ki has been recorded outside the cultivation. In Slovakia, new sites of endangered species Dichostylis micheliana <\/em>and Stipa pulcherrima <\/em>were found as well as new distribution data about Sonchus palustris <\/em>and Reynoutria japonica<\/em>. From railway stations, Tribulus terrestris <\/em>is reported for the first time from eastern Slovakia likewise two new sites of alien species Euphorbia davidii, <\/em>previously reported from only single locality in southeastern Slovakia. Alien species Xanthium spinosum <\/em>was reported from the \u0160tiavnick\u00e9 vrchy Mts. and also Sisyrinchium montanum <\/em>in the Slansk\u00e9 vrchy Mts. Third report of Sagittaria latifolia <\/em>in Slovakia is given with short characteristic of its coenological conditions.
Keywords: <\/em>chorology, vascular plants, alien species, Slovakia, Poland, new reports, Red list species, railway station.
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THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 29, 2019 \u2013 abstracts vol. 29\/1 vol. 29\/2 Yeremenko N. (2019): Ruderal vegetation of the class Polygono-Poetea annuae in Kryvyi Rih (Ukraine) \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 29 (1): 001-021. \u2013 https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2019-1-01 Abstract: The present paper studies the ruderal vegetation of the class Polygono-Poetea annuae in Kryvyi Rih. 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