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Exhibition of Tropical and Subtropical Plants

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The Botanic Garden of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice greenhouses were built in 1958 and cover an area of 3,500 square metres. They consist of a complex of exhibition and cultivation greenhouses which provide visitors with an opportunity to see many species of plants from tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In the years 2014 – 2016, the three largest greenhouses underwent extensive reconstruction of the cladding and heating, which was followed up with the gradual reconstruction of other greenhouses and exhibitions in them. There are a number of subtropical and tropical, ornamental and useful woods, herbs, and ferns in our collections. Collections of cacti and other succulents, orchids and bromeliads are the most species-rich.

Greenhouse I

Palm trees dominate the first greenhouse.
(Trachycarpus fortuneiDypsis lutescensArchontophoenix cunninghamiana), plants from Central America and South America (Theobroma cacaoMimosaCaliandraPsidium, begonias, bromeliads, orchids, ferns), Australia (AraucariaEucalyptus citriodoraGrevillea) and from Southeast Asia (breadfruit – Artocarpus heterophyllus, ginger Etlingera elatior).

Greenhouse II

The second and the tallest greenhouse (12 metres) houses an exhibition of plants of Southeast Asia with a waterfall and a pond, around which banana trees (Musa sp.), woody plants such as Syzigium aqueum, and also epiphytic orchids (Vanda, Dendrobium, Angraecum) and ferns grow. Dendrocalamus giganteus, one of the largest bamboos in the world with a stalk thickness of 10 to 25 cm, dominates this greenhouse. Part of the greenhouse also presents Central America (Persea americana, Anthurium). This greenhouse is a place where regular exhibitions of orchids may be enjoyed..

Greenhouse III

This greenhouse offers a demonstration of forest communities of SE Asia, Africa, and also those of North America and South America. Included therein for many years have been the majestic ficuses (F. lyrata, F. benghalensis, F. altissima), a collection of rare and slow-growing cycads (of the Cycas, Encephalartos, Ceratozamia, Zamia genera), but also fruit species such as Carica papaya, Eriobotrya japonica.

Greenhouse IV – Viktória

The warmest tropical greenhouse offers an abundant display of plants from the families of Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae (Vanilla, Dendrobium), epiphytic cacti (of the Rhipsalis genus), but also various climbing vines (Aristolochia, Philodendron, Piper ornatum). In addition to interesting plants like epiphytic fern Platycerium bifurcatum and sugar cane (Saccharum oficinarum), one may also see tropical carambola fruit (Averrhoa carambola). Two fish pools are also an integral part of the greenhouse (Crucian Carp, Koi Carp, Shark Catfish, Senegal Bichir) and tropical water lilies (Victoria cruziana, Nelumbo sp.) seasonally also growing in them. An exhibition of exotic tropical and subtropical butterflies is traditionally held in this greenhouse.

Greenhouse V

The succulent greenhouse brings visitors closer to the world of cacti and other succulents. Plants from the areas of North America and South America are the main representatives, but the succulents of South Africa can also be seen here. The accompanying vegetation consists of plants from the families of Bromeliaceae, Fabaceae, Agavaceae, Crassulaceae that grow in nature together with cacti.

Greenhouse VI

Separately concentrated are subtropical useful plants such as fig tree (Ficus carica), carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) with fruits known as locust bean bread, olive (Olea europea), aka fruit (Feijoa sellowiana), Diospyros kaki, tomato plant (Cyphomandra betacea) and many citrus species and cultivars. Various species of bulbs and Clivia miniata bloom in the undergrowth in early spring.


Study at UPJŠ