EDIH Cassovium is part of a network of one-stop shops called European Digital Innovation Hubs, which aim to support companies and public sector organisations to respond to digital challenges and become more competitive.
EDIH Cassovium provides an exceptional opportunity for businesses and organisations to transform their business and operations through public funding from the Digital Europe Programme and the Recovery and Resilience Plan. The EDIH Cassovium consortium is made up of three key institutions operating in Eastern Slovakia:
The contact point at UPJŠ is
the EDIH Cassovium Office
room No. 130 on the 1st floor
of the Rector’s Office of UPJŠ in Košice.
Correspondence office:
EDIH Cassovium Office
Šrobárova 2
041 80 Košice
Slovak republic
Ing. František Lenárt
Project and Service Manager
tel.: +421 948 892 756
e-mail: frantisek.lenart @ upjs.sk
Mgr. Simona Rudohradská, PhD.
Service Coordinator
tel.: +421 55 234 4176
e-mail: simona.rudohradska @ upjs.sk
prof. RNDr. Gabriel Semanišin, PhD.
Project Lead
tel.: +421 905 881 276
e-mail: gabriel.semanisin @ upjs.sk
UPJŠ within the EDIH Cassovium offers consulting and educational services mainly in the following areas:
- Project management integration within the European Research Area,
- Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence methods,
- Cybersecurity,
- Digital law and intellectual property law,
- Transport electrification,
- Geospatial technologies, simulations, mapping and 3D landscape models,
- Psychological training services in the context of adaptation to digital transformation,
- Translation and interpretation services,
- Smart city and e-government.
Steps for implementation of services
The process of implementing EDIH Cassovium services may vary depending on the type of services an organisation or business requires and needs. In general, the following steps apply:
Step 1
Preliminary communication about the appropriate service: On our website, you will find a service catalogue with the service offerings. Feel free to take a look at the services we offer to companies in the context of digitalization. If for some reason you cannot decide which service would be suitable for your company or organisation, please do not hesitate to contact us. An EDIH CASSOVIUM representative will contact you after filling out the contact form.
Step 2
Request for service on the basis of the call.
Step 3
Entity Verification (including de minimis): The process of verifying your organization, including the de minimis aspect, is ongoing.
Step 4
Detailed communication of the specific service. Services may include, for example, training, testing of new solutions, and other activities to achieve your goals.
Step 5
Signing the service agreement.
Step 6
Actual delivery of the contracted service: This is followed by the service implementation phase.
Step 7
Digital maturity assessment and feedback: A period of monitoring and evaluation of success follows the implementation of the plan. This period will allow to evaluate how the set objectives have been achieved, how the company has been successful in applying digital transformation, and what the results of the collaboration with EDIH CASSOVIUM have been.
Interesting links