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About Us

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TIP – UPJŠ is the centre of scientific and technological excellence at UPJŠ in Košice in the fields of biomedicine, biotechnology, information technologies, and advanced materials. The main mission of TIP – UPJŠ is the construction of a high-quality centre of capitalized research and applications, with an efficiently working environment for business activities in the high-tech industry.

Partial objectives of the TIP – UPJŠ:

  • The internationally acceptable level of modern capitalized research in a limited number of scientific areas
  • High potential for technology transfer by outputs through its own start-up companies
  • Realistic cooperation with high-tech industry in the above mentioned areas
  • Membership in the European research area  (ERA) and European technology platform (ETP) networks
  • Contribution to the growth of regional/national economy and employment increase through the creation of over-standard conditions for investors in the high-tech industry by offering results of capitalized research

Management of TIP-UPJŠ

RNDr. Andrej Miroššay, PhD.
phone: +421 55/ 234 3537
Ing. Zuzana Paulíny
Head of Secretariat
phone: +421 55/ 234 3536


Study at UPJŠ