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Innovation of software product for health insurance using machine learning methods

Objective of the project: Innovation of information system for health insurance companies by implementation of machine learning methods in automation of revision activities. The implementation of this innovation is important for health insurance companies to improve the quality of their review activities and to effectively allocate financial means to cover healthcare.

The project has its special importance with regard to the changes in health care financing related to the transition to the DRG system – system of reimbursement of patients` hospitalizations according to categorization of related diagnoses. The research part of the project consists of two main activities – industrial research in the field of machine learning applications and experimental development, including the implementation of a pilot project at a potential customer. The first activity will be carried out by the applicant in cooperation with partners – research organizations, namely the P. J. Šafárik University in Košice and the Technical University in Košice. A critical exploration, a modification of existing and a design of new machine learning methods, which will be useful for automation of revision activities are its content. The output of the research activities will be, besides to the processing of the research report, a prototype of a new information system module and optimization of its parameters in the pilot operation. The follow-up activity for the implementation of innovative measures will include the completion of the development of the new module and its full integration into the complex information system of the health insurance company. The registered offices of the applicant and workplaces of partners – research institutions – in Košice are the places of activity realization. The design of measurable project indicators is based on call requirements and includes indicators such as the number of intellectual property rights (IPR) applications, the number of products that are new to the market, along with other indicators describing the involvement of companies and research institutions, the number of new researchers, etc.

The project was submitted by VSL Software, a.s., Technical University in Košice a P. J. Šafárik University in Košice within the call OPVaI-MH/DP/2018/1.2.2-17. The research and development teams of Institute of Computer Science (Faculty of Science of the P. J. Šafárik University in Košice) and Center of Informatics and Information Technologies (Technology and Innovation Park of the P. J. Šafárik University in Košice) are involved in the project.

Period: 2019 – 2020


Connection of AiS2 consortium universities to the Central Government Portal (development project of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic under the code 003UPJŠ-2-1/2018)

Objective of the project: Increased support for the management of higher education institutions through functionality in the Academic Information System AiS2, primarily by ensuring its functional connection to the Central Government Portal. This link enables full electronic submission of electronic applications for university studies. What’s more, if the institution of AiS2 consortium uses the AiS2-RDSS registry module, it also enables the delivery of electronic documents (mainly study agenda), generated during the processes that take place at the university, to its electronic communication mailboxes at the Central Government Portal. These electronic mailboxes represent full-fledged electronic filing offices for higher education systems. At the same time, the linking ensures sending documents (including the possibility of their authorization by a qualified signature certificate) to the recipient’s (student’s/applicant’s) electronic mailbox.

Period: 2018 – 2019


AiS2 integration with resort information system and links to e-Government (development project of Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic under the ITMS code 2013091813889310)

Objective of the project: Creation of the integration interface of the Central Government Portal (CGP), enabling the connection of the CGP mailbox as a full-fledged substitution of the electronic mail room on the university’s own systems and the delivery of electronic documents to the electronic communication mailboxes at the CGP. The pilot operation started on June 2nd, 2015 at the Faculty of Science (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice).

Period: 2013 – 2015


TECHNICOM University Science Park for innovative applications with knowledge-based technologies support (ITMS code 26220220182) and TECHNICOM University Science Park for innovative applications with knowledge-based technologies support – II. phase (code ITMS2014 +: 313011D232)

Objective of the project: Construction of the TECHNICOM University Science Park (thereinafter TECHNICOM) as an internationally recognized center of research and technology transfer in the field of innovative applications with knowledge-based technologies support. The first aim of the project, on the basis of quality scientific management, was organizational and management support of the TECHNICOM USP construction and operation. The second aim was to build the physical and functional infrastructure of the park. The third aim was top applied research and development in selected fields of science, including ICT.

Within the project solution, Center of Applied Informatics (former workplace of AiS2 development team) – aimed at the development of information systems to support education, science and research management. Specifically, it was to capitalize many years of experience to administrate university pedagogical and scientific activity, primarily knowledge processes at universities of different focus and practice from previous development of information system in developing an upgraded AiS2 product. The innovation of AiS2 product was realized mainly in the field of mobile phone support, progress in the field of system usage, support for higher education management and the development of process management. The AiS2 development team became the part of newly created university Technology and Innovation Park of the P. J. Šafárik University (TIP – UPJŠ).

Period: 2013 – 2018


CeZIS – Knowledge and Information Systems Center (ITMS kód 26220220158)

Objective of the project: Building and ensuring the existence and activity of the common research and development education center, support and research and development implementation in the field of information technology and knowledge society with a view to increase cooperation between research and development institutions with social and economic practice through the transfer of research and development knowledge and technology into practice, what contributes to increase economic growth of the Eastern Slovak region and the whole Slovakia. The project is about:

a) building and operating a common research and development center in the field of information and knowledge systems;

b) creation of a platform enabling students and researchers to realistically verify theoretical knowledge in research and in practice;

c) common implementation of research and development projects focused on application and transfer of knowledge gained by research and development in the field of knowledge and information technologies into real economic practice by involving specific practitioners willing to provide their know-how and data in order to verify and confirm real use in practice;

d) performing activities aimed at deepening cooperation in the transfer of knowledge between academia and economic practice through the exchange of experience in research into modern technologies and methods in the field of knowledge and information technologies;

e) support for the study programs updating with regard to the needs of practice supported by teaching specific subjects and the management of student work;

f) definition of technological and methodical procedures that will be used in products and services for end customers and at the same time applied to the research and education process;

g) promoting applied research and development in the field of the information and knowledge society in order to enable and intensify the real transfer of research results and know-how into practice, as well as to intensify the transfer of practical experience into education.

The project was submitted by VSL Software, a.s. Košice and Faculty of Science of the P. J. Šafárik University (thereinafter PF UPJŠ) within the call of OPVaV-2011/2.2/07-SORO. The project involved scientific research and development teams of the Institute of Informatics PF UPJŠ and the Center of Applied Informatics – the former workplace of the AiS2 development team.

Period: 2012 – 2014


Academic Information System (central development project of The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic)

Objective of the project: To create conditions for the development and implementation of AiS2 as a successor of the Academic Information System AIS, which was developed at the P. J. Šafárik University in Košice since 1997. Eight Slovak public universities were involved into the first phase of the project. During the project, their number increased to 13. As part of the project, the AIS2 Project Steering and Implementation Board was established. It consists of members of all universities that use AiS2 and decides on the further direction of the AIS2 project.

Currently, AiS2 is in production operation at 13 Slovak public universities and 4 private universities. With approximately 90,000 users, it is the most widespread academic information system at Slovak universities.

The list of Slovak public universities using AiS2:

  • Academy of Arts, Banská Bystrica;
  • Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica;
  • University of Economics in Bratislava;
  • Comenius University in Bratislava;
  • Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava;
  • Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava;
  • J. Selye University in Komárno;
  • P. J. Šafárik University in Košice;
  • University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice;
  • Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra;
  • Catholic University in Ružomberok;
  • Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín in Trenčín;
  • University of ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava.

The list of Slovak private universities using AiS2:

  • College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov;
  • Danubius University in Sládkovičovo;
  • MOD’SPE PARIS Central Europe in Bratislava;
  • University of Central Europe in Skalica.

The development of AiS2 is ensured by a stable and constantly professionalizing development team. The technological background of the project has been provided by VSL Software a.s. Košice. AiS2 is still being developed on campus within the Center of Informatics and Information Technologies of the Technology and Innovation Park of the P. J. Šafárik University, from where it spreads under non-commercial conditions and reflects the experience of all universities using AiS2.

AiS2 offers complex solutions for the academic sphere, primarily designed to manage all three degrees of higher education and to support science and research management in higher education. It supports the university character of the study and includes a multilingual user interface. Currently, several parts of AiS2 has been translated and routinely used in English and Hungarian languages.

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Period: 2005 – 2007

Study at UPJŠ