University Counselling Centre UNIPOC
The University Counselling Centre UNIPOC is a specialised unit of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice (hereinafter referred to as UPJŠ in Košice) for providing counselling to students of UPJŠ in Košice. Psychological, social, legal and career counselling is available to students free of charge. UNIPOC also provides support and care to students with specific needs.
As part of the development of career services and career counselling, our aim is to provide students with practical experience and contact with employers, expert advice on applying for jobs and attractive courses for competence development. Establishing long-term cooperation with employers is one of the tools we plan to use to realise these goals.

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Wisdom of the past, knowledge of the present, education of the future
The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice is one of the most important and respected educational and scientific institutions not only in the Slovak Republic, but also in the developed Europe.
The main mission of the University is to provide three-level higher education based on the latest scientific knowledge in a broad international context, according to European trends in this field, the Bologna Declaration and other documents.
Based on the results of the comprehensive accreditation of the Accreditation Commission of the Slovak Republic in 2015, UPJŠ v Košice is one of the 4 best universities in Slovakia. The University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice follows its position in several international university rankings. It focuses primarily on those that emphasize the quality of science, research and the teaching process in their evaluation.
At present, the university has the following faculties: medical, natural science, law, philosophy and public administration, which prepare doctors, specialists in natural science – physics, chemistry, geography, mathematics, informatics, teachers, lawyers, specialists in public administration, philosophy, languages, ethics, psychology, history, political science and social work. In addition to the above faculties, the university provides a first degree programme in sport through the Institute of Physical Education.
UPJŠ in Košice has more than 7 500 students at all three levels of full-time and part-time studies. More than 700 university teachers and more than 100 research and research and developer staff teach at the university, in total the university employs more than 1 500 people. UPJŠ v Košice offers more than 250 study programmes at bachelor, master and doctoral level, where teaching in English is also possible. UPJŠ in Košice is a university with a multinational student structure. Especially due to the interest in studying medical study programmes, this academic year more than 1 100 foreign students from more than 40 countries are studying at the University. UPJŠ v Košice emphasizes interdisciplinarity and is the only university to offer students Certified Interdisciplinary Courses (CIC) in the fields of law, management, ethics and crisis management. Through the CIC, students can also obtain international certificates TOEFL, ECo-C and ECDL.
Graduates of this second oldest classical Slovak university have a good reputation at home and abroad.