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Meet your inner critic

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Do you remember the last time you were critical to yourself by asking: “How could I have done such a thing?” or you said to yourself: “Everyone else is doing much better, only I fail at every step”. “I’m a weird person”. Maybe it was this week, maybe yesterday, and maybe right before you clicked on this event. It’s true that most of us of us are hard on ourselves, particularly if we get even the slightest hint that we don’t “fit in” in some way – in our achievements, career or study, social standing, relationships, appearance, body image, financial status, etc.

In online workshop on March 9 at 4pm (MS Teams), we’ll cover how to quiet your inner critic, why it’s easier to criticize yourself than to be kind, and how to learn to talk, think, and act about yourself with respect and kindness. Register here with your AiS2 login.

Study at UPJŠ