We are currently involved in the following projects:
1. National project OPV/K/RKZ/NP/2008-4, ITMS code: 26110130084, The modernization of the educational process in secondary schools, 2009 – 2013,
2. National project OPV/K/RKZ/NP/2008-4, ITMS code: 26110130083, The modernization of the educational process in primary schools, 2009 – 2013,
The specific objectives both these projects are to upgrade and modernize the content, methods and outputs of the learning process.
Contractor: Institute of Information and Prognoses of Education in Slovak republik.
The aim is increasing the number of teachers, who participate in further education programs and develop their skills necessary for the knowledge based society. The target groups represent more than 6,850 primary and secondary school teachers in Slovakia.
3. 7. RP EU – ESTABLISH – European Science and Technology in Action Building Links with Industry, Schools and Home Id: SIS-CT-2010-244749 2010 – 2013
Project funded by the European Commission’s Framework 7 Programme for Science in Society. The overall objective of this project is to facilitate and implement an inquiry-based approach to science education for second level students (age 12-18 years) on a widespread scale across Europe by bringing together, within a collaborative environment, the specific key stakeholders in science education. http://www.establish-fp7.eu/
4. 7. RP EU – SAILS – Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science, Id: SIS.2011.2.2.1-1: 2012 – 2015
The aim of SAILS is to support teachers in adapting Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) at second level (students aged 12 to 18 years) across Europe. This will be achieved by utilising existing models and resources for both pre-service and in-service teacher education in IBSE.
SAILS aims to prepare science teachers, not only to be able to teach science through inquiry, but also to be confident and competent in the assessment of their students’ learning through inquiry. http://www.sails-project.eu/portal
5. KEGA 027UPJŠ-4/2011, Ganajová, M.: Design and implementation of digital libraries for teaching cross-cutting themes of the State educational program 2011- 2013.
The aim of the project is to create and implement of a digital library of resources for teaching of cross-cutting themes of science state curriculum.
Digital library includes interdisciplinary teaching resources – prepared in terms of chemistry, biology and physics.
6. VEGA 1/0124/11, Fančovičová, J.: Experimental verification of the effectiveness of autopsies in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor areas, 2011 – 2013
This project is implemented by the Faculty of Education of University of Trnava. Project leader is Jana Fančovičová, PhD together with Andrea. Lešková, PhD.
The aim of the project is to verify the effect of practical examination of anatomi