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Institute of Biology and Ecology provides university education in all three cycles: Bachelor, Master and Doctoral.

In the frame of the three Bachelor study programmes, Biology, General Ecology and  joint study programmes in combination with Biology and four Masters programmes (Genetics and Molecular Cytology, Zoology and Animal Physiology, Botany and Plant Physiology and General Ecology) the Institute offers the following courses: Cytology, Histology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Botany, Plant Physiology, Zoology, Animal Physiology, Ethology, Immunology, Anthropology, General Ecology, Human Ecology, Conservation Biology, Evolution Biology, Didactics of Biology and other compulsory and optional subjects.

The study is complemented with the necessary supporting courses of other disciplines such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English Language. Such schedule enables greater mobility of students and their inter-disciplinary orientation. The students may choose compulsory elective courses according to their preferences. Graduate of Bachelor study of Biology and of General Ecology is a qualified specialist with university education, which may be employed in different biological and ecological institutions, health service, a state administration, institutions of the third sector, private companies, or others where routine working activities require deep knowledge of Biology, Ecology or related disciplines. A graduate may continue study in one of Master programmes offered by the Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University, or any other university in Slovakia or abroad.

Study programmes for Master degree consist of several compulsory courses, modules of compulsory elective courses and elective courses that enable orientation of students towards disciplines associated with topics of their diploma theses. There is an opportunity of parallel study of pedagogical disciplines that offers pedagogical qualification for teaching of biology at elementary and secondary schools. Based on inter-faculty study with Faculty of Atrs, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice there is a possibility to study Biology in combination with several social and linguistic disciplines and humanities.

International exchange of students belongs to attractive opportunities. European System of Tranfer and Accumulation of Credits (ECTS) allows approval of part of the study completed abroad or at partner faculties in Slovakia.

A graduate of Master degree may continue in doctoral study in Molecular Cytology, Genetics, Animal Physiology, Plant Physiology and General Ecology and Ecology Individuals and Populations. Graduates of Master study are qualified for career development in all institutions of biological character: scientific institutes, laboratories of health service, and in applied research. Inter- disciplinary study and associated Teachers training is elaborated as flexible modular study well estimated in many European countries.

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