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Institutes and Departments

Institute of Biology and Ecology Institute of Physics Institute of Chemistry Institute of Computer Science phone:+421 55 234 2440phone: +421 55 234 2441email: Institute of Mathematics phone: +421 55 234 2213email: Institute of Geography tel.: +421 55 234 2213email:
29. January 2023

Dean’s office

Faculty of SciencePavol Jozef Šafárik Univerzity in Košice Šrobárova 2,041 54 KošiceSlovenská republikaPhone: +421 55 234 2181E-mail: Identification and billing dataBusiness ID: 00397768VAT ID: SK2021157050TAX ID: 2021157050 Electronic mailbox of UPJŠElectronic mailbox number for sending correspondence via the Central Government Portal is E0005760272. Telephone contacts can be found in the university telephone directory.Employees’ personal WEB pages … Continued
15. November 2022

Promatech – Research Centre

PROMATECH creates a realistic platform for the development of cooperation between the academia and industry in the field of applied material research that can significantly contribute to the enhancement of the overall competitiveness of the Slovak industry by supporting the implementation of new materials and technologies in production processes and products. The strategic objective of … Continued
17. January 2019

Technicom – University Science Park

The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, particularly its Faculty of Science cooperates within this project with the University of Prešov in Prešov and with the Technical University in Košice, who is the main coordinator of the project.  As an output of the project the involved universities have established the Association Technicom. The strategic objective … Continued

Study at UPJŠ