IoT laboratory is devoted to a development and implementation of
- smart systems for monitoring and controlling of specific rooms,
- aplications for indoor navigation,
- smart tools.
- RNDr. PhDr. Peter Pisarčík (vedúci laboratória)
- RNDr. František Galčík, PhD.
- Mgr. Miroslav Opiela
Lab administrator: RNDr. PhDr. Peter Pisarčík
Research infrastructure
Laboratory is equipped with standard tools and gadgets for a development and implementation of IoT solutions.
Selected papers
- M. Opiela, Indoor Localization based on Advanced Point-Mass Filtering Method, In SOFSEM 2019 – 45th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 2019
- F. Galčík, M. Opiela, Grid-based indoor localization using smartphones , In IPIN 2016 – International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IEEE., 2016
Related projects and grants
- APVV-15-0091 Efficient algorithms, automata and data structures
- VEGA 1/0056/18 Decsriptional and Computational Complexity of Automata and Algorithms
- VEGA 1/0142/15 Combinatorial Structures and Complexity of Algorithms (Finished)
- VVGS-PF-2016-72638 Indoor model environment acquisition and following localization using smartphone sensors
Related links