The laboratory is devoted to a development and application of various methods for searching, assembly, analysis and interpretation of data and knowledge, particularly
- an optimisation of dynamic or repeating disposable data using graph theoretical structures and real process modelling,
- a research and an application of methods for processing of multidimensional data with stochastic character,
- an application of the conceptual analysis in the areas of information searching, knowledge mining, natural language processing, knowledge management, …,
- an application of neural networks and other methods of machine learning in a comparative analysis,
- regular assembly of time-dependent data from Web pages and Web services, information extraction from semi-structured and/or non-structured sources, integration and deduplication of data.
- Dr. Ľubomír Antoni, PhD.
- Dr. Erik Bruoth, PhD.
- Prof. Dr. Katarína Cechlárová, DrSc.
- Dr. Peter Gurský, PhD.
- Dr. Ondrej Krídlo, PhD.
- Dr. Katarína Lučivjanská, PhD.
- Prof. Dr. Gabriel Semanišin, PhD. (head of laboratory)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivan Žežula, PhD.
Lab administrator: Dr. Juraj Šebej, PhD.
Research infrastructure
The laboratory is situated at the seminary room LIDA that is equipped with projectors and interactive board and its variable arrangement supports team work, and allows organization of seminars and workshops. The laboratory exploits computational sources available in the Computing and network node.
Selected papers
- K. Cechlárová. T. Fleiner, D.F. Manlove, I. McBride, E. Potpinková: Modelling practical placement of trainee teachersto schools. Central European Journal of Operations Research, ISSN 1435-246X, Volume 23, Number 3, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014, pp. 547- 562
- O. Krídlo, M. Ojeda-Aciego: An adjoint pair for intuitionistic L-fuzzy value. Submitted to Springer.
- Ľ. Antoni, S. Krajči, O. Krídlo: Representation of fuzzy subsets by Galois connections. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 326: 52-68 (2017)
- Ľ. Antoni, S. Krajči, O. Krídlo: On stability of fuzzy formal concepts over randomized one-sided formal context. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 333: 36-53 (2018)
- I. Žežula, D.Klein, A. Roy: Problems of inference in a special multivariate linear model, MatTriad 2017, September 25 – 29, 2017, Będlewo, Poland
- F. Galčík, J. Katrenič, G. Semanišin: On Computing an Optimal Semi-matching. Algorithmica. – ISSN 0178-4617. – Vol. 78, no. 3 (2017), s. 896-913.
- I. Broere, G. Semanišin: Some bounds on the generalised total chromatic number of degenerate graphs. Information Processing Letters. – ISSN 0020-0190. – Vol. 122 (2017), s. 30-33.
- J. Konecny, O. Krídlo: Category of isotone bonds between L-fuzzy contexts over different structures of truth degrees. CLA 2015 : The Twelfth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications : 13. – 16. október 2015, Clermont-Ferrand. – Clermont-Ferrand : Blaise Pascal University, 2015. – ISBN 9782954494807. – S. 205-216.
- P. Gurský, V. Chabaľ, R. Novotný, M. Vaško, M.Vereščák: Extracting Product Data from E-Shops. ITAT 2014: Information Technologies – Applications and Theory, Part I : 25. – 29. september 2014, Demänovská Dolina – Jasná. – Praha : Institute of Computer Science AS CR, 2014. – ISBN 9788087136188. – S. 40-45.
- P. Gurský, M. Vereščák: Extrakcia štruktúrovaných objektov z webových portálov na pár klikov. WIKT & DaZ 2016 : 11th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies; 35th Conference on Data and Knowledge : proceedings : 3. – 4. november 2016, Smolenice. – Bratislava : Nakladatel’stvo STU, 2016. – ISBN 9788022746199. – S. 225-228.
- M. Linková, P. Gurský: Attributes Extraction from Product Descriptions on e-Shops. ITAT 2017 : Information Technologies – Applications and Theory : proceedings of the 17th conference : 22.-26.9.2017, Martinské hole, Slovensko. – Focused Web Crawling of Relevant Pages on e-Shops, 2017. – ISBN 9781974274741. – ISSN 1613-0073. – S. 23-26.
- R. Pavel, P. Gurský: Focused Web Crawling of Relevant Pages on e-Shops. ITAT 2017 : Information Technologies – Applications and Theory : proceedings of the 17th conference : 22.-26.9.2017, Martinské hole, Slovensko. – Focused Web Crawling of Relevant Pages on e-Shops, 2017. – ISBN 9781974274741. – ISSN 1613-0073. – S. 35-39.
- M. Vaško, T. Jakab, T. Horváth: Recommendation in location-based and event-based social networks. 10th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge oriented Technologies, Košice, Slovakia, 2015, ISBN 978-80-553-2271-1.
Related projects and grants
- CeZIS – Centre of knowledge and information systems
- APVV-15-0091 Effective algorithms, automata and data structures
- VEGA 1/0142/15 Combinatorial structures and algorithm complexity
- APVV-17-0568 Applications of mathematical methods in decision process in economy and medicine
- CEX CaKS – Centre of excellence of information science and knowledge systems
- Excellent team KOSDIM – Košice group of Discrete Mathematics
Collaborating institutions
- University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
- University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa
- T-Labs@ELTE Budapest, Hungary
- TU Freiberg, Germany
Contract partners
Related links