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The top teams QMAGNA and Bioaktiv excelled in the reevaluation of the AC SR

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The Accreditation Commission, which is an advisory body of the Government of the Slovak Republic, at its 109th session held on 14 and 15 November 2018 in Bratislava assessed the creative activity of top teams accepted in the first call after three years of their activity. The top teams of QMAGNA and Bioaktiv, representing the Faculty of Sciences of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, successfully passed a reevaluation together with another 35 evaluated teams.

The Accreditation Commission also evaluated the perspective of the teams in the next years, taking into account mainly the participation of young team members. It was based on the reports that the team representatives sent to the AK based on her call. Over the past three years, top teams created remarkable internationally significant scientific and artistic works, and proved their credibility to be in top teams.

Team QMAGNA – quantum magnetism and nanophysics

team members: Prof. Alexander Feher, DSc., Prof. Martin Orendáč, PhD., Prof.  Alžbeta Orendáčová, DSc., Assoc. Prof. Erik Čižmár, PhD., Mgr. Vladimír Komanický, PhD., Mgr. Tomáš Samuely, PhD., Assist. Prof. Robert Tarasenko, PhD.

Team Bioaktiv – research of bioactive substances for biomedical applications

team members: Prof. Peter Fedoročko, PhD., Prof. Eva Čellárová, DSc., Prof. RNDr. Martin Bačkor, DSc., Mgr. Rastislav Jendželovsky, PhD.

Study at UPJŠ