Management of the Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
Science and Technology Week in Slovakia 2023,
invites students, teachers and the general public to events organized within
which will take place between November 6, 2023 and November 12, 2023
Institute of Physics
event name: Fyzikálny náboj
event type: competition
start of the event: 03.11.2023
end of event: 03.11.2023
event time: 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
target group of the event: youth
brief description of the event: Fyzikálny Náboj is an international competition of four- to five-member teams composed of high school students and the respective grades of eight-year high schools in solving physical problems at speed. At the beginning, each team receives a set of eight tasks, then after each submission of a correctly solved task, they receive another one. The difficulty of the tasks gradually increases. The winner is the team that solves as many physics problems as possible in two hours.
organizer: FMFI UK in Bratislava / Trojsten, o. z. Bratislava / Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
venue: aula prof. Prasličku, Moyzesova 9, Košice
event website: https://physics.naboj.org/sk/sk/
Institute of Physics
event type: “Royal Planet”
event type: a lecture
start of the event: 07.11.2023
end of event: 07.11.2023
event time: 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
target group of the event: children, youth, public
brief description of the event: A popularization lecture about the planet Jupiter in the planetarium, combined with the screening of short films, a demonstration of the starry sky in the planetarium and observation of objects in the evening sky. Entry at 5:00 p.m. is intended mainly for children and parents, entry at 7:00 p.m. for older children, youth and adults.
organizer: Leisure center Košice
co-organizers: Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice / Slovak Astronomical Society at SAS
venue: Planetarium and observatory, Popradská 86, 040 11 Košice
event website: http://www.cvckosice.sk
Institute of Biology and Ecology
event name: Proteomics analysis of cryptogams
event type: lecture
start of the event: 08.11.2023
end of event: 08.11.2023
event time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
target group of the event: professionals
brief description of the event: It is a professional lecture held under the auspices of the East Slovak branch of the Slovak Botanical Society. It focuses on proteins in lower plants and lichens. It is held in English.
organizer: Institute of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
co-organizer: East Slovak branch of the Slovak Botanical Society
venue: ÚBEV Seminar room on the 1st floor (door no. 230), Mánesova 23, Košice
Institute of Geography
event name: New archaeological discoveries in the western part of the cadastre of Valaliky near Košice
event type: lecture
start of the event: 08.11.2023
end of event: 08.11.2023
event time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
target group of the event: students of study programs in Geography, Geography and Geoinformatics and other related study programs of both single and interdisciplinary studies; wide professional and lay public.
brief description of the event: The main topic of the lecture will be selected archaeological discoveries that were found during the construction of the industrial park in Valaliki near Košice. It will also be archaeological research, methods and the research itself.
organizer: Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
co-organizer: Institute of Archeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Nitra (expert interpretation: Mgr. Adam Gašpar)
venue: Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice, Jesenná 5, room SJ2L45
event website: https://www.uge.science.upjs.sk/vedecké-semináre

Institute of Chemistry
event name: Chemistry around us
event type: lecture, presentation of chemical experiments (workshop)
start of the event: 08.11.2023
end of event: 08.11.2023
event time: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
target group of the event: children, youth
brief description of the event: The main theme of the Chemistry around us event organized as part of Science and Technology Week 2023 is to present elementary school and high school students with ubiquitous chemistry and familiarize them with its use in practice in an experiential way. After the lecture, a number of interesting experiments will be presented in the chemistry classroom – various color reactions, recrystallization or chromatographic separation. As part of research activities, students can try experiments themselves using commonly available chemicals that they find in homes..
oorganizer: Private primary school, Dneperská 1, 04012 Košice
co-organizers: Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
venue: Private primary school, Dneperská 1, 04012 Košice
Institute of Physics
event name: The big bang and the future of the
event type: lecture
start of the event: 09.11.2023
end of event: 09.11.2023
event time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
target group of the event: youth
brief description of the event: In the lecture, we will talk about the Big Bang Theory – why we think that the Universe was created by the Big Bang. We will describe the most important moments in the history of the Universe, such as the formation of atomic nuclei and atoms themselves. We will discuss what role Dark Matter played in the past and what role Dark Energy will play in the future.
organizer: Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
venue: Gymnasium of Pavol Orságh Hviezdoslav in Kežmarok, Hviezdoslavova 20, 060 14 Kežmarok
Institute of Mathematics
event name: Mathematics on the background of image
event type: lecture
start of the event: 09.11.2023
end of event: 09.11.2023
event time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
target group of the event: youth
brief description of the event: How does reading license plates of cars in parking lots, locking phones with fingerprints or various photo editing filters work? At the lecture, we will learn that there is also mathematics behind such achievements of modern technology.
organizerr: Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
venue: Gymnasium of Pavel Orsaght Hviezdoslav in Kežmarok, Hviezdoslavova 20, 060 14 Kežmarok
Institute of Physics
event name: Open day of the Institute of Physics
event type: open day
start of the event: 11.11.2023
end of event: 11.11.2023
event time: 10:00 a.m. – 02:00 p.m.
target group of the event: public, children, youth, professional public
brief description of the event: Tours of top scientific laboratories with expert explanations, lectures and discussions on current physics topics, interesting demonstration experiments and full details on the possibilities of studying physics at the Faculty of Science of the University of Warsaw will be prepared for the visitors.
organizer: Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
venue: Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice, Park Angelinum 9, Košice
Institute of Computer Science
event name: Autumn CyberSecurityDay 2023
event typ: workshop
start of the even: 11.11.2023
end of event: 11.11.2023
event time: 8:30 a.m. – 02:00 p.m.
target group of the event: public, youth
brief description of the event: Practical workshops based on real experience in solving computer security incidents. The opportunity to talk with people who are professionally engaged in information and cyber security, meet new people and compete for interesting prizes.
organizer: Institute of Computer Science, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
venue: Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice, Jesenná 5
event website: https://cyberawareness.sk/jesenny-cybersecurityday-2023