Laboratory is a distributed workplace for the team developing and implementing the Academic information system AiS2, that is used by 13 public and 4 private Slovak universities. The system has aprox. 80 thousand users. In addition, the laboratory implements various e-goverment features and integrates AiS2 with external systems utilised for a management of high schools and universities.
Laboratory is a part of the Centre of information science and information technologies of the Technology and Innovation park of the P.J. Šafárik University.
- RNDr. Radovan Engel, PhD. (head of the development team)
- Mgr. Peter Čižmár
- Mgr. Martin Nemček
- Mgr. Slavomír Varchula
- Mgr. Peter Slaninka
- Bc. Jozef Obrin
- Mgr. Marcel Obrin
- Martin Tkáčik
- RNDr. Martin Šumák, PhD.
- RNDr. Lukáš Miňo, PhD.
Research infrastructure
Laboratory uses the computational and network node.
Related projects and grants
- CeZIS – Centre of information and knowledge systems
Colaborating institutions
Contract partners
Related links