Dr. h. c. doc. Mgr. Slávka Tomaščíková, PhD. was on 30 September 2021 awarded the BSCF Award for Support by the AmCham Slovakia’s President Mr. Gabriel Galgóci, as a recognition of her long-term cooperation and support of joint activities and for building bridges between academia and industry in the region. The award represents acknowledgement of the work done in the field of education, transfer of skills and preparation of students for real conditions at their future workplace. The main goal of this cooperation is through the joint efforts to keep the tallented graduates in the region of East Slovakia and to enable them to use the acquired knowledge and skills in their own careers. The course Skills for for Success – from university to workplace with its six semesters of implementation, together with Mentor Networking Program allow students to gain key competences for successful start of their careers in Slovakia and abroad.
The long-term goal of the Department of British and American Studies FF UPJŠ is to support and participate in all educational activities of the BSCF AmCham and enable the graduates of the department to not only find excellent career opportunities in companies but also gradually become employers themselves. Dr. h. c. doc. Mgr. Slávka Tomaščíková, PhD. said that the award belongs to all colleagues at the department who have participated in the activities of the AmCham and its members.
Mgr. Július Rozenfeld, PhD.