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Open Doors Week for Secondary Grammar Schools at the Department of British and American Studies FF UPJŠ

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From the 20th to the 24th of May 2019, the Department of British and American Studies FF UPJŠ welcomed almost 500 students and their teachers from the Košice secondary grammar schools of Park mládeže 5, Laca Novomeského, and Poštová 9. The students were first offered a guided tour of campus which included showing the premises of the department and the faculty. The students had the opportunity to get information about the study programmes of the department, to test themselves in English and French, and to try interprets’ booths. We believe the students enjoyed the time spent at our department and we are looking forward to their future visits.

Dr. h. c. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Slavka Tomascikova
Head of the Department of British and American Studies
Faculty of Arts
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice

Study at UPJŠ