In early June 2020, one of the most prestigious publishing houses – Mouton de Gruyter – published the volume Derivational Networks Across Languages which is a result of the long-term cooperation among the linguists from the Department of British and American Studies of the Faculty of Arts of UPJŠ in Košice and more than 50 European linguists. The editors of the volume are prof. PaedDr. Lívia Körtvélyessy, PhD., prof. PhDr. Pavol Štekauer, DrSc., and doc. Alexandra Bagasheva from the St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia.
“We consider it a great success that the volume was published by such a prestigious publishing house,” said prof. L. Körtvélyessy, adding that it is a main deliverable of the four-year VEGA project which was finished in 2019 and evaluated as successful. “However, the idea itself is older and originated more than six years ago – our former student, PhD. student and today our colleague Mgr. Vesna Kalafus Antoniová, PhD. was writing her bachelor thesis on this topic under the supervision of prof. Štekauer.”
The volume brings a new theoretical and methodological approach. “It is also unique because of its typological dimension – it maps and compares the situation in 40 languages –, which undoubtedly increases its significance and value. From the editorial point of view, the volume is exceptional also due to the number of authors involved – 54 – whose work had to be coordinated,” states professor L. Körtvélyessy.
The top team of the Faculty of Arts of UPJŠ Onomasiology – Word Formation – Typology (OST) should also be mentioned here: two members of this team actively participated in this volume and the youngest member of the OST top team was also involved in the project. The volume justifies the existence of such teams” emphasizes prof. PaedDr. Lívia Körtvélyessy, PhD.
The members of the top team involved each have chapters in the published volume and doc. Mgr. Slávka Tomaščíková, PhD., the Head of Department of British and American Studies of Faculty of Arts of UPJŠ in Košice, who wrote the chapter devoted to the Russian language, is one of the authors as well.
The volume Derivational Networks Across Languages is also of particular importance to the University and its Faculty of Arts: it means a successful presentation of the Faculty at an international level and a successful example of international cooperation establishing the basis of contemporary research implemented in academia.
Link to the volume: