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APVV Seminar for Primary School Teachers at the BAS Department FF UPJŠ

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Prosodic qualities of languages and language teaching with the help of electronic aids were the focus of the expert seminar entitled “Aby nás ucho neklamalo” (Making sure our ears do not deceive us) organised by the team of researchers involved in the Anticipatory Phonetic Strategies for Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpretation project (APVV-15-0307) in cooperation with language teachers from the Elementary School at Nám. L. Novomeského 2, Košice.
24 teachers from elementary schools within the founding authority of the City of Košice took part in the expert seminar held on 4 February 2019, hence the knowledge pertaining to the perception of quantity, accent, stress and emphasis and their impact on the speed and correctness of understanding of spoken language will be utilised in the language teaching in age groups which are quickest to learn languages through auditory perception.

On behalf of the project team:
Mgr. Roman Gajdoš, Mgr. Katarína Kukučková, PhDr. Mária Paľová, PhD.
Department of BAS FF UPJŠ

Study at UPJŠ