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We learn from the best!

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The BAS Department FF UPJŠ begins with the series of lectures and workshops with the BAS Alumni – graduates of the Department. The first event will take place on 24 March 2021, at 10.30 via MS Teams and Mgr. Andrea Petrovčinová will talk about her career in the creative industry, about creative writing and her successful book Invisible Stories (2020). This meeting will be attended by the students and teachers of the partner secondary grammar school – Bilingválne gymnázium Trebišovská Košice.
Prepare a coffee and come learn from the best.
Moderator: Mgr. Zuzana Buráková, PhD.
Production: Ing. Marek Sekerák

Mgr. Zuzana Buráková, PhD.
Assistant lecturer of BAS FF UPJŠ

Study at UPJŠ