On 10 October 2019, Faculty of Arts UPJŠ in Košice organised a lecture by PhDr. Slávka Otčenášová, M.A., PhD. from the Department of History FF UPJŠ, seconded national expert at the ERCEA in Brussels, focused on the topic Science at the frontier of knowledge: funding opportunities for research projects through the European Research Council. As prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová, CSc., the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, stated in her introductory remarks, this event has been the third of its kind in line of information activities organised by Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice, aimed at funding possibilites within Horizon 2020 programme.
The lecture given by dr. Otčenášová thematically followed a similar lecture organised at the Faculty of Arts in April 2019. The main objective of the October event was to acquaint participants with the possibilities of submitting project applications in the ERC scheme (Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant, Synergy Grant, Proof of Concept Grant), as well as to present news and useful tips for preparing a project proposal. Information was also given on the course of the project evaluation, the involvement of projects from the fields of social sciences and humanities, as well as from behavioral, pedagogical and historical sciences, or on the involvement of Slovakia and EU13 countries in the Horizon 2020 framework programme.
Mgr. Katarína Hajduková
Photo: Ing. Tomáš Polák