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Project APVV-15-0662

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Project APVV-15-0662 Psychological mechanism of risk behavior change of schoolchildren and university students. Risk behavior and migration/emigration intentions

Annotation of project

The aim of the first part of the project is to build on and further develop databased prevention of substance use (SU) among schoolchildren and university students (Solomon four group design will be used to address program effectiveness among schoolchildren and university students). The effectiveness of the universal prevention program of SU Unplugged will be also explored by using comparisons of its implementation with and without booster sessions. Particular attention will be paid to the exploration of the short term and long term effectiveness of the Unplugged program (up to 3 years) also in the context of risk behavior of parents and the context of family processes which will be based on comparative parent-child data. The first part the project follows educational and research activities of the EU-Dap Faculty Network and SPAN/The Science for Prevention Academic Network (our team is a part of these networks) in the field of SU prevention and further develops the research conducted within the project APVV-0253-11. The second part of the project is to focus on the exploration of university students´ intentions regarding migration (national) and emigration (international) and their changes in Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and other cooperating EU countries in relation risk behavior and personal and environmental resources. This part of the project follows the SLiCE study. The further aim of the second part of the project is to explore opinions about migration and emigration of schoolchildren and their changes in relation risk behavior and their predictors. The project will support research of young researchers, PhD students and aims to disseminate and implement the findings into school practice.

The list of investigators:

Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová, CSc.  –  zodpovedná riešiteľka

Mgr. Mária Bačíková, PhD.

Doc. PhDr. Beáta Gajdošová, PhD.

Ing. Mgr. Jozef Bavoľár, PhD.

Mgr. Jozef Benka, PhD.

PhDr. Anna Janovská, PhD.

Mgr. Ondrej Kalina, PhD.

Mgr. Lucia Hricová, PhD.

Mgr. Marta Kulanová

Mgr. Eva Paulisová

Mgr. Marcela Štefaňáková

Aims of the project:

1. PART: Psychological mechanism of changes in risk behavior of college students and pupils:

  1. To study the direct and indirect (mediators, moderators, moderated mediators) effects of the program for universal prevention of substance use of college students
  2. To study the short and long-term, direct and indirect (mediators, moderators, moderated mediators) effect of the program of the European Union for universal prevention of drug use of students-Unplugged. Research of direct and indirect (mediators, moderators, moderated mediators) effect of Unplugged with and without implementation of booster sessions.
  3. To study risk behavior of parents (alcohol consumption, smoking of tobacco cigarettes) and family processes (communication, monitoring, support, conflicts) (parents and children – paired comparison from the perspective of data obtained from the parents and their children)

Projects adressing above mentioned aims:

PUNAV- Program for universal prevention of substance use of college students

Following strategies are implemented:

  • Spreading information (4 workshops)
  • Strategy of social influence and development of life skills (12 two-hour long interactive lectures- three-day long training): normative beliefs, refusal skills, assertiveness, decision-making, coping strategies, goal setting.

    The program took place in the winter semester 2017/2018. Altogether, 176 students were enrolled in the program. The program included a training section and 4 workshops on psychological, pedagogical, medical and legal-criminal aspects of prevention.

            Training dates in the academic year 2017/2018:

  • Monday block: 9.10., 16.10., 23.10., 6.11.2017 – 17:00-20:00
  • Tuesday block: 10.10., 17.10., 24.10., 7.11.2017 – 17:00-20:00
  • Danišovce – October: 19.-21.10.2017
  • Danišovce – November: 9.-11.11.2017
  • Weekend trainig in Košice – November: 3.-4.11.2017
  • Weekend trainig in Košice – December: 8.-9.12.2017
  • Weekend trainig in Košice – Unplugged: 3.-4.11.2017

             Workshop dates in the academic year 2017/2018:

  •     18.10.2017 – PhDr. Anna Janovská, PhD.
  •     08.11.2017 – MUDr. Karolína Lyciusová
  •     15.11.2017 – Prof. MUDr. Pavol Jarčuška, PhD.
  •     29.11.2017 –  Mgr. Marcel Pavúk

Workshop dates in the academic year 2016/2017:

  • 18.10.2016- Mgr. Marianna Berinšterová, PhD.
  • 3.11.2016- Mgr. Marianna Berinšterová, PhD.
  • 10.11.2016- Mgr. Marcel Pavúk
  • 15.11.2016- Prof. Mudr. Pavol Jarčuška, PhD.
  • 22.11.2016- Mudr. Danisa Caisová
  • 6.12.2016- Mgr. Marcel Pavúk


    UNPLUGGED- School program for universal prevention among students

  • European program for universal prevention of substance use of adolescents
  • Consists of 12 lectures led by trained teachers
  • Interactive program, that is based on the model of complex influence of social environment
  • Combines strategies of information spreading and development of life skills with raising awareness of possible impact of social influence on substance use of adolescents.

In school year 2017/2018, more than 700 pupils of 7th grade from 24 chosen schools from all over Slovakia are involved in the project. Currently, the program is extended by a follow-up program “n-Prevention” of the Department of Addictology of the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and General Faculty Hospital in Prague. It is a series of so called “booster sessions”, the aim of which is to contribute to the effectiveness of the program. The design of N-prevention is similar to that of Unplugged. It consists of a series of 4 lectures. The first two lectures are dedicated to social norms and normative beliefs, refusal skills and differences between genders. The other two lectures are based on current neurological knowledge that provides information on the influence of drug use on brain functioning. N-prevention is going to be implemented during the first semester of school year 2017/2018, after the Unplugged program is ended.

For more details click here.

2. PART: Risk behavior and migration, emigration intentions of college students. Risk behavior and opinions of pupils on migration and emigration:

4. Research the level of risk behavior, general willingness of college students to take risks related to migration and emigration intentions (international level) and its predictors.

5. Research the relationship between migration and emigration intentions of college students relatively to their general opinion of migration and immigration.

6. Research the level of risk behavior, general willingness of college students to take risks related to migration (national level) and emigration intentions (international level) and its predictors.


Department of Educational psychology and Psychology of Health hosted a conference on research findings regarding substance use prevention in 2019

Title of the conference: Substance use prevention program Unplugged among Slovak schoolchildren. Implementation of research findings into practice of school psychologists

Date: 11.12.2019

Venue: Katedra pedagogickej psychológie a psychológie zdravia, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Minerva, Moyzesova 9, Košice


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