- 27/11/2024: Presentation of the Activities of the Czech-German and Slovak-German Intergovernmental Commission of Historians, Košice (poster)
- 30/06-03/07/2024: Summer School of Jewish-Christian Relations in Košice, 3rd year of the Jewish-Christian Studies Project, Košice (poster)
- 11-12/06/2024: The Unforgotten. Exploring the Holocaust From the Individual Perspective, conference with international participation, Košice (Programme)
- 17-18/04/2024: Geological-Paleontological-Archaeological Discussion 2024, conference on the earliest period of human evolution, Košice (CfP)
- 17/04/2024: The Concept of Elites and the Czech-Slovak Context, conference within the regular meetings of Czech-Slovak Commission of Historians, organized also with the support of the International Visegrad Fund, Košice (Programme)
- 12/10/2023: Politische Korruption und Überlebensstrategien der Eliten bei den Regimewechseln in Deutschland und Ostmitteleuropa von dem 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, a conference in the framework of the joint meeting of the Slovak-German and Czech-German Commission of Historians, Košice (program)
- 11-13/10/2023: Spoločné zasadnutie Slovensko-nemeckej a Česko-nemeckej komisie historikov, Košice
- 04/10/2023: European Medieval and Early Modern Towns, online participation in an international workshop, Barcelona (programme)
- 11-15/09/2023: Summer School of Historical Sources for Family Research and Gender History, participation in the International Visegrad Fund project titled Little (Big) Women, Opava, Česká republika (project website)
- 11/05/2023: Historik, archivár a univerzitný profesor Ferdinand Uličný ´90, conference on the occasion of the jubilee of a foremost Slovak medievalist, Košice (programme)
- 02-04/03/2023: Workshop Little (Big) Women, articipation in an International Visegrad Fund project, Opava, Česká republika (project website)
- 13/04/2022: How to teach about the Holocaust today, Košice, a methodical day for teachers and students of history (Programme)
- 19/10/2021: Letters to Joseph Tiso and the “Jewish Question”, workshop, Košice (Programme)
- 27/09 – 01/10/2021: 20th Annual Conference of the Conflict Studies Working Group, Košice (Programme)
- 21/04/2021: History in the Digital Age, online workhop organized by Czech-Slovak Commission of Historians, Department of History (UPJŠ) and State Archives in Košice (Programme)
- 17/12/2020: Tendencies of development of ethnic relations in Slovakia, interview about research results, 12:00 – 14:00, online (poster)
- 19-21/05/2020: 20th Annual Conference of the Conflict Studies Working Group, Košice (due to current epidemic COVID-19 restrictions postponed to September/October 2021).
- 22/04/2020: History in Digital Era, 52nd Meeting of the Czech-Slovaks Commission of Historians, Košice (due to current epidemic COVID-19 restrictions postponed to April 2021).
- 03-04/03/2020: Continuity and Rupture in Central European Art: Adventures with the European Research Council and Myths of Modernism: Vienna before and after 1918, UPJŠ Local Trainig – Open Lectures by prof. Matthew Rampley (ERC Advanced Grant Principal Investigator and Senior Researcher at Masaryk University, Brno), Košice (poster)
- 16/12/2019: Act on Nationalities and Council of the Government of the Slovak Socialist Republic for Nationalities (Ideas and Reality), workshop within the departmental project APVV-15-0475 “Trends in the Development of Ethnic Relations in Slovakia”, Košice (poster)
- 11-12/12/2019: Architects under Party Dictatorship and Architects in the Neo-Liberal Order, urbanHIST project open lectures by Petr Roubal, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Košice (poster)
- 26/11/2019: Life after PhD – Postdoc Research and Funding Opportunities, webinare lecture by PhDr. Slávka Otčenášová, MA., PhD. within project urbanHIST, Košice (poster)
- 21/11/2019: Trends in the Development of the Ethnic Relations in Slovakia Slovensku (Comparative Research of the Ethnic Issues in 2004-2020), workshop with presentation of the project research results, Košice (poster)
- 29-30/10/2019: Building democracy by history teaching, international colloquium and workshop, Košice (Programme)
- 19-20/09/2019: Border changes and population movement in Europe after 2WW, scientific conference, Košice (CfP, Poster, Programme)
- 1-4/04/2019: Network-Wide Workshop Week V, organized within the international project urbanHIST, Košice (Programme)
- 01/04/2019: ERC Grants for Frontier Research, presentation by PhDr. Slávka Otčenášová, MA., PhD., Košice, online registration required (poster, instructions)
- Central European Context of National Development at the Beginning of the 21st Century, international conference, 15 November 2018, Košice (CfP, Programme)
- Network-wide Workshop Week and Young Urban(h)ist Conference (The 8th Meeting of Young Historians in Košice) within the international project urbanHIST, 1 – 5 October 2018, Košice (CfP, Application Form, Programme)
- Innovative Teaching of Ancient History at Universities, workshop and international colloquium for university teachers, 10 – 11 September 2018, Košice (Poster, Programme)
- urbanHIST ESRs colloquium III: Discussion of the current state of the research within IRPs, 2 July 2018, Košice (Poster)
- The Experience of State Socialism Reimagined, international workshop, 31 May – 1 June 2018 (Report)
- Guest lecture by prof. UG dr hab Mariusz Czepczyński, Košice, 14 March (Invitation)
- L´architecture engagée: How the Engaged Architecture Changed the European City, webinar within the project “urbanHIST”, prof. Dr. Ing. arch. Henrieta Moravčíková, 8 February 2018, Košice (Invitation)
- Eastern Europe after the First World War, international conference at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Berlin (Germany), Hildenbrandstrasse 25, 31 January – 2 February 2018 (CfP, Conference Programme)
- Samospráva mesta Košice v stredoveku [The Self-Governance of the Town of Košice in the Middle Ages], presentation of the new book written by our colleague Mgr. Drahoslav Magdoško, PhD., 13 December 2017, Košice (Invitation)
- The Other Half of Europe I, “urbanHIST” project´s colloquium, 11 December 2017, Košice (Poster)
- GIS as a Tool, a Technology and Science, open lecture of urbanHIST project by RNDr. Ján Kaňuk, PhD., Košice, 4 December 2018, 13:30 – 15:00
- Morphological Changes in Post-Socialistic Cities: Using 3D Models, Case of Košice. Lecture by our researcher Mgr. Adam Górka at Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, UPJŠ, Košice, 29 November, 10:30 – 11:30
- Etnicita a médiá [Ethnicity and the Media], workshop, 20 November 2017, Košice (Programme)
- Memory in Urban Space: Possibilities and Limits of Comparative Research, workshop with our colleagues from Norway, 24 October 2017, Košice (Programme)
- Juhoslavizmus versus čechoslovakizmus: konfliktné dejiny ideológií [Juhoslavism versus Czechoslovakism: The Conflict History of Ideologies], international conference, 4 October 2017, Košice (CfP, Programme)
- Osobnosti z dejín školstva a vedy v Košiciach [Individualities of Education and Science in the History of Košice], conference, 20 September 2017, Košice (CfP, Programme)
- Presentation of the book “Slovensko a svätá stolica v kontexte vatikánskej východnej politiky (1962 – 1989)” [Slovakia and the Holy See in the Context of Vatican´s Eastern Policy 1962 – 1989] by prof. Emília Hrabovec, 7 December 2016, 16:00 – 17:30, Košice, Pribinova 1, Košice (Invitation)
- Cena víťazstva [The Price of the Victory], international conference, Košice, 24 November 2016 (Programme)
- Actual Research Issue of National Policy and Ethnic Relations in the 20th and 21th Centuries, conference, 14 – 15 November 2016, Košice (Programme)
- Facts, Interpretation, Memory, workshop for students, co-organisators: Nation´s Memory Institute and KAS Bratislava, 18 October 2016, 9:00 – 15:00, Košice
- The Profile of Graduates of History IV: Phd. studies in Slovakia and their actual problems, meeting of heads of departments of history in Slovakia, Section for university education and didactics of SHS, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 11 October 2016, Košice
- Historical Workshop: Traces of Memory in Košice, discussion for teachers of history and university students of teaching, 16 April 2016, Košice (Invitation)
- Presentation of the new monography of prof. PaedDr. Štefan Šutaj, DrSc. “Parížska konferencia 1946 a mierová zmluva s Maďarskom (The Paris Conference 1946 and Pieace Treaty with Hungary)”, 16 December 2015, Košice (Invitation)
- Presentation of proceedings “Poznávanie dejín Slovenska (Recognizing the History of Slovakia)” published in honour of prof. PhDr. Ferdinand Uličný, DrSc, 11 November 2015, Košice (Invitation)
- Konferenz “Die Stadt und Krieg (1914-1989): Multiethnische Städte in den Kriegen des 20. Jahrhunderts” as a part of annual meeting of the Czech-German and Slovak-German Commissions of historians, 25 September 2015 (Programme)
- Ľudia a dejiny – historická biografia a jej miesto v historiografii (People and History – Historical Biography and its Role in the Historiography), conference, 11 September, Rectorate of UPJŠ, Košice (Invitation, Programme)
- Udržateľný rozvoj miest a nový územný plán pre Košice / Sustainable urban development and a new city plan of Košice, international conference with partnership of Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ, Košice, 29 May 2015 (Programme)
- Modernizačné procesy v multietnických štátoch z hľadiska mentality, sociálnych a kultúrnych dejín / Modernizációs folyamatok a multietnikus nemzetállamokban, Mentális-, társadalom- és művelődéstörténeti megközelétések címmel (Modernization Processes in Multi-Ethnic States in Terms of Mentality, Social and Cultural History), 19 – 20 May 2015, international conference, Košice (SVK Call for Papers, HUN Call for Papers, Programme)
- International Student Conference of the V4 and Romania: 25 Years since the Fall of Communism, 26 – 27 March 2015 Bucharest, Romania (Call for Papers). More information accessible on the website of the project (here)
- Das nördliche Karpatenbecken in der Hallstattzeit, 10 – 12 December 2014, Conference, Košice (Call for Papers)
- Festival of Freedom, 27 November 2014, Events for the public organized by Nation´s Memory Institute in cooperation with our Department for the case of Košice (webside)
- Witnesses of Oppression, presentation of the activities of NMI and its department of Oral History, 15 May 2014 (Invitation)
- Presentation of the recently published book “Remembering the city. A guide through the past of Košice”, 12 May 2014, Szlovák Intézet Budapest – Slovak Institute in Budapest (book cover)
- Screening of Movies on the Period of Communist Oppresion, 18 November 2013, Košice (Programme)
- 39th Council of the Czech-Slovak Commision of Historians, 21 – 23 October 2013, Košice. The program includes a research seminar addressed for public as well named Center and Periphery in Czechoslovakia (Region and its Delimitation), 21 – 22 October 2013, Košice (Programme)
- The Transformation of Memory after 1945: European Perspectives on the City, Migration and Remembrance, 14 October 2013, Košice, international workshop (Call for Papers, Programme)
- Remembering the City – A Guide Through the Past of Košice, 14 October 2013, Košice, presentation of the guide book (Invitation)
- Historical Milestones of the Košice´s Development, 10 – 11 October 2013, Košice, conference (Invitation, Programme 1, Programme 2)
- Recognition of the History of Slovakia. Sources, Methods and Findings, 25 – 26 September 2013, Prešov, conference to the anniversary of prof. PhDr. Ferdinand Uličný, DrSc. (Programme)
- Ethnic Politics in Czechoslovakia in the 60´s of the 20th Century, 10 – 11 September 2013, Košice, meeting of the Czech-Slovak Commission of Historians (Programme)
- Transformation of Central European Cities in Historical Development II – Košice, Opava, Miskolc, Kraków (19th – 20th Centuries), 20 – 21 June 2013, Kraków, international conference (website of the project)
- Military Cemeteries of the World War I, 20 – 22 March 2013, Košice, international conference
- The Alternative Guide to the History of Košice 2013, 26. October 2012, Košice, presentation of the international project
- Košice – The Institutional Basis of Culture, Education and Science, 24. October 2012, Košice, conference to the 140th Anniversary of the East Slovakian Museum
- Transformation of Central European Cities in Historical Development I (Middle Ages and Early Modern Period), 28. – 29. June 2012, Košice, international conference
- Slovakia in the Years of Oppression II. Personalities known and unknown, 22. – 23. May 2012, conference of the young historians, Banská Bystrica
- Battle of Rozhanovce in the Context of Slovak and Hungarian Kingdom´s History, 22. – 23. March 2012, Košice, conference to the 700th Anniversary of the well-known battle
- Researches on Urban History, 26. January 2012, international conference of the historians from UPJŠ a Univerzity of Miskolc
- Finding of the Common Language about the Common Past. Dialogue of the Young Genaration of Slovak and Hungarian Historians, 25. November 2011, Bratislava, conference (information)
- Architectural and Historical Development of Košice in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, 11. October 2011, Košice, 2nd scientific conferences on history of Košice
- History and Culture – Model of Multicultural and Cross-Border Cooperation in the Region of Eastern Hungary and Eastern Slovakia, 14. April 2011, Košice, conference and workshop
- In the Footsteps of Freedom – Comunism and the 50´s of the 20th Century in Slovakia, 30. November 2010, Košice, seminar held by cooperation with Nation´s Memory Institute
- Košice and History – History of Košice, 16. – 17. September 2010, Košice, conference on the state of research and its prospects