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ROGO – Assessment management system

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Partial credit tests:

  • It is obligatory for the student to write the credit tests as a step forward to the final test.
  • Each student must have an average of 60% and more of the three credit tests in the winter and summer semesters. If the average of 60% of the three credit tests is not reached, the student can only repeat a test that did not reach 60%. Each credit test has only two retake terms. In the retake terms after submitting the excuse, the credit test will also be taken by a student who, for serious reasons, has not taken the credit test.
  • If student reach average 60% (3 credit tests) after retaking only one test, student can not continue with the other retake test.



Student can login for the Rogo test only by Windows or Android operating systems!

The test results are in the AIS.


» Possible problem with ROGO «


How to sign in to ROGO:

same name as for log in to AiS2
personal / natal number
YYMMDD0000 or 0001 or 0002
it’s like men only a month as the sum MM+50 (January 51,…December 62) 

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