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Medical students organized a preventive event HEALTH UNDER CONTROL

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    Students of the Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ organized the event Health Under Control at the Aupark Shopping Center in Košice on Saturday, April 6, 2019. It was the fourth year of the successful project of the Association of Medical Students in Košice for the general public focused on various areas of health.
    “The event called “Health Under Control” was held in the eight European countries – in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro and North Macedonia. We had nine information spots which were visited by several hundred visitors of the shopping centre,” says Romana Bodnárová, student of the 3rd year at the Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ,  the Head of the Public Health Club of the Association of Medical Students in Košice.  
    Forty-two students of General Medicine and five students of Dental Medicine prepared interesting activities called Health in Numbers, Antitobacco, Male and Female Affairs, MOLE, Healthy Smile, Good-by-Bones, First Aid, Teddy Bear Hospital and Hand Hygiene with the collaboration of the Nadácia Kvapka Nádeje, Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa and Svet zdravia company.    
    The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ prof. Daniel Pella, M.D., PhD. appreciates students’ activities by which they train their communication skills and contact with patients during their studies and he enjoys the positive response from the public.


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