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The Head of the Department of Nursing Care was honored with the prestigious White Heart award

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    The President of the Slovak Republic, Zuzana Čaputová, received twenty-nine nurses and midwives who were honored with the prestigious White Heart award at the Presidential Palace in Bratislava on Friday, October 8, 2021. The awards were awarded to twenty-eight Slovak nurses and one midwife under the auspices of the President of the Slovak Republic and in the presence of the Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic Vladimír Lengvarský at a gala evening on September 24, 2021. Among the awarded was also the Head of the Department of Nursing Care, Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ assoc. prof. PhDr. Lucia Dimunová, PhD., who was honored with the White Heart award in the category of nurse and midwife – teacher.

    “I felt amazing after receiving the award and meeting with the President, I felt great joy and professional pride in my work as a teacher-nurse, which I do to the best of my abilities. However, it is great to feel that your results have not gone unnoticed in such a beautiful way and to fully feel this appreciation and pleasure. I am extremely pleased and it was a great experience for me to meet with President Zuzana Čaputová in person at the Presidential Palace, who congratulated the awarded persons and also appreciated the hard work of all Slovak nurses and midwives,” says assoc. prof. PhDr. Lucia Dimunová, Ph.D.



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