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Pink October

1minút, 20sekúnd

    Students of the Faculty of medicine, UPJŠ in cooperation with the Liga proti rakovine, organized the Pink October event on Friday, October 15, 2021. Medical students from the Club of Reproductive Health of the Association of Medical Students in Kosice addressed visitors of various ages and informed them about the possibilities of preventing breast cancer and cervical cancer at the Optima shopping center. They have provided hundreds of women with valuable information that can help them save their lives by detecting cancer early.

    “We addressed more than 450 women who could try the right self-examination technique and palpate small lump hidden in silicone breast model. This simple technique, which women can occasionally do in the comfort of their home, helps to reveal the dangerous diseases that every eighth woman in Slovakia faces during their lifetime. This year, we placed great emphasis on raising awareness of the possibility of a breast examination by a gynecologist, which should be part of every examination. The addressed people reacted very positively and were interested in learning something new,” says Viktória Kudriková, a student of the 4th year of study programme General Medicine.

    “Among the addressed visitors were several men, who were surprised by the information that men can also get breast cancer, although this disease is not so common in the male population,” notes Martina Klimová, co-organizer of the event, a student of the 4th year of the study programme General Medicine. The symbol of the Pink October is a pink ribbon that medical students pinned to women’s clothing as a sign of solidarity with oncological patients and as a symbol of the event.


Study at UPJŠ