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Dissertation theses

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Advisory capacity of the workplace

In the most recent period the advisory capacity of the workplace has expanded, and the workplace currently has available 7 advisors for the field of Public Health, 6 of whom also take part in framework of agreements on collaboration with the University of Groningen and share in advising on dissertation works.


Long-term collaboration with the University of Groningen, the Netherlands (hereinafter UMCG), led to the founding of KISH – Košice Institute for Society and Health, which since 2006 has been a university centre of excellence and in 2010 acquired the status of an institute of post-graduate education at the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ in Košice. In 2002 Prof. A. Madarasová Gecková and later also dr. J. Rosenberger took on the responsibility of supervision over international scientific projects within KISH and over doctoral studies in the area of “health science”.

Within the “Youth and Health” research program 10 dissertations have already been successfully defended at the University of Groningen (M. Šléšková Bačíková, Z. Tomčiková Černotová, Z. Veselská Dankulincová, M. Sarková, F. Salonna, P. Kolarčik, O. Kalina, K. Rosičová, D. Bobáková, L. Pitel) and within the framework of the agreement on collaboration in the research program “Youth and Health” signed in 2014 by UPJŠ in Košice and UMCG, another 4 dissertations (D. Brindová Husárová, J. Holubčíková, J. Kopčáková, P. Baďura), and two of them within agreements on a double degree in the field of Public Health at the UPJŠ Medical Faculty and Kinanthropology of the Faculty of Physical Education of Palacký University in Olomouc (D. Husárová/ UPJŠ, P. Baďura/ UPOL). Thus, the agreement in recent years has been fulfilled and an agreement on collaboration for the period 2020-2023 is being prepared, as are contracts on a double degree in the field of public health at the UPJŠ Medical Faculty (M. Lacková Rebičová, L. Bittó Urbanová, J. Macková, S. Horaničová, V. Karchynskaja, S. Kováčová).

The research program “Chronic Disease” is led by Dr. J. Rosenberger. Within this program a total of 12 dissertations have been successfully defended (E. Havlíková, M. Majerníková, L. Príhodová, Z. Škodová, M. Krokavcová Chylová, T. Dubayová, J. Benka, B. Šilarová, P. Mikula, A. Sudzinová, G. Koľvek, M. Škorvánek), and two of them within agreements on a double degree (G. Koľvek, M. Škorvánek). In 2015 an agreement on collaboration was signed in the research program “Chronic disease”, within which one dissertation (M. Vítková) has been defended and additional PhD studies are ongoing (A. Belák – Oct 2019, L. Bosáková 2020, A. Zelko – 2021). An agreement on cooperation for the period 2021-2024 is currently in preparation, as is a contract on a double degree in the field of public health at the UPJŠ Medical Faculty (I. Skoumalová, S. Chovan).


Cooperation with the University of Groningen was expanded by collaboration with Palacký University in Olomouc, which led to the founding of OUSHI Olomouc University Social Health Institute ( OUSHI associates the research efforts of three faculties at this university: the Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, the Faculty of Physical Education and the Medical Faculty. In 2015 a study program Spirituality and Social Aspects of Health was accredited, and prof. A. Madarasová Gecková was named as one of its directors. In 2017 doc. Z. Dankulincová was also appointed as a director in this department, which enables the mutual research collaboration to be deepened even further. Mgr. Kateřina Paclíková heads the doctoral study in this department.

Defended PhD thesis

Study program: Public Health MF UPJŠ (4+1*)

  1. I. Babinská: Behaviorálne rizikové faktory kardiovaskulárnych ochorení populácie žijúcej v Rómskych osadách 2011-2015
  2. E. Čepová: Konceptualizácia a meranie zdravotnej gramotnosti a jej využitie v oblasti verejného zdravotníctva 2014-2018
  3. M. Palfiová-Mrázová: Vplyv vybraných rizikových a protektívnych faktorov na zdravý vývin adolescentov s emocionálnymi a behaviorálnymi problémami 2014-2018
  4. D. Husárová: Barriers to active participation of school-aged children, 2017.*

Study program: Health Sciences University of Groningen (7+2*) 2015 – 2021

  1. A. Sudzinová: Roma ethnicity and outcomes of Coronary Artery Disease. Mortality, clinical status and self-rated health, 2015.
  2. M. Vítková: Poor sleep quality and other symptoms affecting quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis, 2015
  3. J. Holubčíková: Eating habits, body image and health and behavioural problems of adolescents: The role of school and family context, 2016.
  4. J. Kopčáková: Physical activity, screen-based activities and their potential determinants: Active living during adolescence, 2018.
  5. P. Baďura: Healthy adolescence in the context of leisure time: The role of organized and unstructured leisure-time activities, 2018.*
  6. A. Belák: Segregated Roma and health-care system professionals in Slovakia: A comparison of perspectives on Roma health, 2019. *
  7. L. Bosáková: Breaking the cycle of poverty, 2015-2021

Study program: Health Sciences University of Groningen (25) 2002 – 2015

  1. A. Gecková: Inequality in health among Slovak adolescents, 1997-2002,
  2. I. Nagyová: Self-rated health and quality of life in Slovak rheumatoid arthritis patients, 1996-2005,
  3. M. Šléšková: Unemployment and the health of Slovak adolescents, 2002-2006,
  4. J. Rosenberger: Perceived health status after kidney transplantation, 2002-2006,
  5. Z. Škodová: Coronary heart disease from a psychosocial perspective: socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities among Slovak patients, 2008,
  6. E. Havlíková: Fatigue, mood disorders and sleep problems in patients with Parkinson’s disease, 2008,
  7. M. Krokavcová: Perceived health status in multiple sclerosis patients, 2009,
  8. M. Sarková: Psychological well-being and self-esteem in Slovak adolescents, 2002-2010, 3 SSCI,
  9. T. Dubayová: Parkinson’s disease – psychological determinants of quality of life, 2010,
  10. Z. Veselská: Intrapersonal factors, social context and health-related behavior in adolescence, 2006-2010,
  11. Z. Tomčíková: Parental divorce and adolescent excessive drinking: role of parent-adolescent relationship and other social and psychosocial factors, 2006-2011,
  12. P. Kolarčik: Self-reported health and health risky behaviour of Roma adolescents in Slovakia: a comparison with the non-Roma, 2007-2012,
  13. F. Salonna: Health inequalities among Slovak adolescents over time, 2002-2012,
  14. O. Kalina: Sexual risky behaviour among Slovak adolescents and young adults: social and psychological factors, 2005-2012,
  15. J. Benka: Living with rheumatoid arthritis: do personal and social resources make a difference, 2012,
  16. K. Rosičová: Regional mortality in the Slovak Republic in the context of socioeconomic indicators and ethnicity, 2006-2013,
  17. D. Bobáková: Youth subcultures and problem behaviours in Slovakia: Hip-hop, Techno-scene, Metal, Punk, Skinheads, and Roma, 2009-2013,
  18. M. Majerníková: Self-rated health and mortality after kidney transplantation, 2013,
  19. L. Pitel: Sociocultural determinants, gender and health-related behaviour in adolescence, 2007-2013,
  20. B. Šilarová: Unraveling the role of sense of coherence in coronary heart disease patients, 2014,
  21. M. Behanová: Area- and individual-level socioeconomic differences in health and health risk behaviour, 2014,
  22. L. Príhodová: Psychosocial and medical determinants of long-term patient otcomes. A specific focus on patients after kidney transplantation and with haemophilia, 2014,
  23. G. Koľvek: Etiology and prognosis of Chronic Kidney Disease in children: Roma ethnicity and other risk factors, 2014,
  24. M. Škorvánek: Fatigue, apathy and quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease, 2014,
  25. Pavol Mikula: Health related quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis. The role of coping, social participation and self-esteem. 2015,

Ongoing PhD projects

Study program: Public Health MF UPJŠ (10+9*)

  1. M. Lacková Rebičová: Nepriaznivé skúsenosti z detstva a ich vplyv na emocionálne a behaviorálne problémy u adolescentov 2016-2020*
  2. I. Skoumalová: Zdravotná gramotnosť a so zdravím súvisiace ukazovatele u dialyzovaných pacientov. Podnety na zvýšenie rovnosti v zdraví u pacientov s chronickými zdravotnými problémami 2017-2021*
  3. L. Bittó Urbanová: Riziká a výhody využívania internetu a moderných technológií a ich dopad na zdravie slovenských adolescentov 2017-2021*
  4. J. Macková: Zdravý vývin dospievajúcich v ich psychosociálnom kontexte: Teória pozitívneho vývinu 2017-2021*
  5. S. Horaničová: Škola (ne)volá. Význam školského prostredia v podpore zdravého vývinu adolescentov 2019-2023*
  6. V. Karchynskaya: Faktory spojené s (nie)fitnes u adolescentov – mixované metódy 2019-2023*
  7. S. Chovan: Biologické a kontextuálne vplyvy na raný vývin detí v marginalizovaných rómskych komunitách 2019-2023*
  8. R. Koky: Pôsobenie asistentov podpory zdravia na podmienky pre zdravie marginalizovaných rómskych komunít, externá forma 2018 – 2022
  9. V. Pačutová: Zvládanie náročných situácií pri poskytovaní zdravotnej starostlivosti 2020-2024*
  10. S. Kováčová: Rodičovské stratégie v ranom detstve v kontexte marginalizovaných rómskych komunít 2021-2025 *

Study program: Health Sciences University of Groningen (2)

  1. A. Zelko: The effects of intradialytic resistance training on circulatory miRNA profile and muscle strength in haemodialysis patients, 2018-2022
  2. K. Paclíková: Mapování poskytované péče dospívajícím s emocionálními a behaviorálními problémy (EBP) na Slovensku a v Čechách

* planned double degree

Last update: 26.09.2021

Study at UPJŠ