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4th Department of Internal Medicine

0minút, 37sekúnd
Rastislavova 43, 041 90 Košice, Fax: +421 55 615 2249 Slovenská verzia

The UPJŠ FM 4th Department of Internal Medicine is located at L. Pasteur University Hospital at Rastislavova St. No. 43, Pavilion 6.

On the ground floor, the Out-patient Departments of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Hypertension, Oncological Internal Medicine, Angiology, Ultrasound and Prof. Takáč Coronary and Intensive Care Unit are located.

On the mezzanine, the Centre of Excellence for Atherosclerosis Research is situated that has been funded by the European Structural Funds and supported by the VEGA and APVV scientific grant schemes.

Upstairs, the Out-patient Departments of Haematology, Rheumatology, Gastroenterology, Immunology, In-patient Wards for Women and Men, the Library, and the Conference Room equipped with a PC and an overhead projector, in which clinical seminars and teaching of students are held, are located.

Study at UPJŠ