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History of department

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Department of Pharmacology, former Institute of Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, was established in academic year 1949-1950. The first head of department was assistant professor Miloš Lukasiewicz, MD., PharmDr., a student of professor František Švec, MD., from the Pharmacological Institute in Bratislava. Significant contribution to the further development of Department of Pharmacology can be attributed to the next head of department prof. Andrej Nicák, MD., DSc., as well as assoc. prof. Zlata Šallingová, MD., PhD. and prof. Anton Kohút, MD., DSc.

At that time, the research was focused on compounds influencing cough such as cough suppressants and expectorants. Later on, the main research topic was aimed on protection of gastric mucosa against different aggressive factors, principally nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents. Gastric mucosa and its protection was also the topic of dissertation work (1983) and habilitation thesis of Ladislav Mirossay, MD. (1994) and Ján Mojžiš, DVM. (1996). In 2003, both received the title of professor.

The year 1996 was a dividing line in utilisation of research methods resulting from introduction of in vitro cell culture technics at the department. Subsequently, pharmacology in cancer treatment and the studies of cancer cell resistance became the dominant target of scientific research. The next generation of teachers and researchers who completed their PhD. study at the Department of Pharmacology include assoc. prof. Martina Pilátová, DVM., PhD.; RNDr. Andrej Miroššay, PhD.; PharmDr. Marek Šarišský, PhD.; Martina Čižmáriková, MD., PhD.; RNDr. Lenka Varinská, PhD.; Zuzana Solárová MD., PhD. and Martina Chripková, DVM., PhD.

List of heads of Department of Pharmacology

professor Miloš Lukasiewicz, MD., PharmDr.; 1948 – 1962
professor Andrej Nicák, MD., DSc.; 1962 – 1992
professor Ladislav Mirossay, MD., DSc.; 1992 – 1997
professor Ján Mojžiš, DVM., DSc.; 1997 – 2003
professor Ladislav Mirossay, MD., DSc.; 2003 – 2007
professor Ján Mojžiš, DVM., DSc.; 2007 – till now

Study at UPJŠ