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Employees and students of our Faculty were honored with the city awards

1minút, 14sekúnd

    The award ceremony took place in the Košice Historical Town Hall on Friday, November 12, 2021. Among the awarded persons were two employees of our Faculty and a team of students, to whom the awards were presented by the Mayor Jaroslav Polaček.

    The most prestigious award – THE AWARD OF THE CITY OF KOŠICE 2021 awarded by the City Council was taken over by the Vice-Rector of UPJŠ and the Head of the Department of Infectology and Travel Medicine, FM UPJ Š and UNLP prof. Pavol Jarčuška, M.D., PhD. He was awarded for active involvement and coordination of procedures in the fight against the pandemic of the new coronavirus at the regional, national, and European level and media presentation of related expert opinions to the public.

    THE AWARD OF THE MAYOR OF KOŠICE 2021 was awarded to assoc. prof. Veronika Vargová, M.D., PhD., the Head of the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, FM UPJŠ and ChUH in Košice for extraordinary activity, extensive pedagogical activity, and contribution in the management of this highly specialized workplace, which is the largest in the East Slovakia region.

    THE AWARD OF THE MAYOR OF KOŠICE 2021 was also awarded to the team of students of the FM UPJŠ for exemplary, unselfish, and sacrificial help, especially in the field of laboratory diagnostics, demonstrated during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The Award was taken over by Ester Tomajková, the student coordinator for assistance to hospitals in East Slovakia.


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