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The first surgeon- urologist who served in Kosice in 1916-1918 was Alexander von Lichtenberg, born 1880 in Budapest. He worked as a doctor – surgeon at the Surgical University Clinic in Heidelberg, where he had been acquired for urology by famous surgeon Friedrich Voelcker. In 1908 he moved to the University of Kaiser Wilhelm in Strasbourg, where he qualified in 1910 under the leadership of Professor Otto Wilhelm Madelung on modern methods of diagnosing kidney diseases (“Neuere Methoden der Nierendiagnostik”). In 1916 he came to Košice, where he worked as a military chief-surgeon at the surgical department of a hospital for military invalids – in the former Comenius “Correctional institution for juveniles”. A young military surgeon Ján Kňazovický worked together with him. Later he had moved to Berlin and in 1939 to Mexico, where he died in 1949.

The founder and the first head of Department of Urology was Prof. MUDr. Ján Kňazovický, which was born in 1883 in Ľubietova. He studied Medical Faculty in Kluž (Transylvania) and after surgical training in Budapest and Bratislava (under leadership of prof. MUDr. Kostlivý) in 1929 he became a head physician of the surgical department at the State Hospital Kosice. He founded within the Department of Surgery subdivisions of orthopedics and urology, which later developed to independent departments. Department of Urology of Medical Faculty of the University of P. J. Safarik dated its formation to year 1949 in University Hospital at Rastislavova Street 43.

Since 1951 to 1952 was head of Department  MDr. Oskar Sidon.

Since 1952 to 1989 was head of department Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Drahovský, CSc. In 1981 Departement divided to Department of urology of Faculty of medicine P.J. Safarik University which was moved to newly built monoblock at University Teaching Hospital at Trieda SNP 1 and Department of urology in University Hospital at Rastislavova Street 43.

Since 1989 to 2013 was head of department Prof. Ladislav Valanský, PhD. Since 2010 Department of urology provides postgraduate education in specialization in Urology.

Since 2013 up to now is head of Department Prof. Vincent Nagy, PhD.,MPH.

Head physician of Urology Department

1949 – 1951  Prof. MUDr. Ján Kňazovický
1951 – 1952  MUDr. Oskar Sidon
1952 – 1989  Prof. MUDr. Vladimir Drahovský, CSc.
1989 – 2013  Prof. MUDr. Ladislav Valanský, PhD.
2013 –            Prof. MUDr. Vincent Nagy, PhD., MPH.

Study at UPJŠ