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Study Program Commission and BSP

1minút, 19sekúnd

Field of study: General Medicine, III. degree of study
Study program: Epidemiology

The Board of Study Program (BSP) is responsible for the quality of the study program (SP) and consists of the person responsible for the study program (PRSP), persons responsible for profile subjects (PRPS), the employers’ representative and the PhD. The BSP in cooperation with the Study Program Commission (SPC) for SP epidemiology approves in accordance with the Study Regulations of doctoral studies at UPJŠ in Košice, rules for entrance procedure and dissertation examination, principles for credit evaluation, conditions of admission of dissertation for defence, proposes Individual study plan (ISP ) of individual students, proposes supervisors and consultants, proposes the composition of examination commissions for entrance and final examinations and resolves on the annual evaluation of the ISP, to which a full-time doctoral scholarship is tied to students.

SPC is composed of experts working in SP or related study programs who are employees of UPJŠ in Košice, the Faculty of Medicine, other universities or faculties, institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and other scientific research organizations. Examination commissions e.g. for entrance and final (dissertation) examinations, dissertation defences are composed of at least five members of the trade union commission:

– of which at least one third is not a member of the academic community of the Faculty of Medicine,
– at least one person is not a member of the UPJŠ academic community in Košice,
– and at least two thirds of the members are associate professors and professors (DrSc.).

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