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Internal Quality Evaluation System

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Internal Quality Evaluation System at UPJŠ in Košice, Faculty of Medicine

In the field of higher education, the strategic intention of UPJŠ FM is to provide quality education based on the results of active scientific research of teachers in order to prepare quality graduates in individual areas of education well applicable in the labour market immediately after graduation.

The Internal Quality Assurance and Verification System (IQAVS) of the UPJŠ in Košice is in accordance with the strategic objectives of the UPJŠ and supports their achievement within the university as well as its faculties. The internal quality assurance and verification system at the Faculty of Medicine is focused on highlighting the intentions and results of the faculty, as well as the formation and strengthening of the feedback between the concerned parties.

The IQAVS is in accordance with ESG 2015 (ESG, Europeans Standards and Guidelines), the standards declared by the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (SAAVŠ) and consistently strives for its implementation. The IQAVS initiates and encourages the involvement of students, employees and employers in the quality assessment. The Office for the Management of the IQAVS administratively coordinates the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance and Verification System in cooperation with the Board for Internal Quality Verification (BIQ) at UPJŠ in Košice. The system is transparent, flexible and open for constantly improving the quality assessment indicators.

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