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THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 26, 2016 – abstracts

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THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 26, 2016 – abstracts

vol. 26/1
vol. 26/2

Dudáš M., Eliáš P. jun. & Mártonfi P. (2016): Occurrence of Taraxacum serotinum (Waldst. et Kit.) Fisch. (sect. Dioszegia) in Slovakia. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (1): 1-10. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: Historical and recent occurrence of a rare dandelion Taraxacum serotinum (Waldst. et Kit.) Fisch. in the area of Slovakia was studied. Herbarium specimens deposited in 16 herbaria were revised and field research during 2009–2015 was carried. In total, 76 localities were recorded, but only 16 sites have been confirmed or newly found at the present. Taraxacum serotinum is recently considered as an endangered species (EN) of the Slovak flora. Distribution map of the historical and recent locations of the species is given.
Keywords: Taraxacum serotinum, endangered species, distribution, Slovakia.
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Keshavarzi M., Najafian E., Nazem Bokaee Z. & Saifali M. (2016): Anatomical study of some Erodium (Geraniaceae) species in Iran. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (1): 11-20. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: The genus Erodium (Geraniaceae) composed of 75 species in all continents except Antarctica. Its main center of diversification is Mediterranean region with 62 species. There are 15 annual and perennial Erodium species in Iran. In present study stem, leaf and petiole anatomical structures were considered for 16 populations of 7 Erodium species. Totally 18 qualitative and 27 quantitative features were evaluated and measured. Anatomical data revealed a significant variation between studied species. The most diagnostic characters were shape of abaxial leaf cross sections and form of gaps, diameter of stem cross section, presence or absence of fiber in petiole structure, number and shape of vascular bundles in stem, stem hair type, shape of adaxial surface of midrib and number of vascular bundles in petiole. Studied taxa were clearly separated by selected anatomical characters.
Keywords: anatomical structure, Erodium, Geranicaceae, leaf, stem, petiole.
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Kish R. (2016): Chromosome numbers of bulbous monocotyledons of the Transcarpathian flora (Ukraine). – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (1): 21-26. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: Chromosome numbers of 21 specimens of bulbous monocotyledons of the Transcarpathian flora (Ukraine) are determined.
Keywords: chromosome numbers, Transcarpathian flora, Ukrainian Carpathians, Liliaceae s.l.
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Jančovičová S., Senko D. & Kučera V. (2016): What do we know about the Callistosporium collections from Slovakia? – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (1): 27-40. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: In Slovakia, two species of the genus Callistosporium are known, C. luteo-olivaceum and C. pinicola, both only with low number of collections and a brief description of macroscopic and microscopic characters. In this paper, information about all Callistosporium collections from Slovakia is gathered and data on species ecology, distribution and threat within Europe summarized. Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum is also provided with a detailed description based on the own collection.
Keywords: fungi, Agaricomycotina, rare species, morphology, ecology, distribution range.
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Dudáš M., Fabianová J., Eliáš P. jun., Dítě D. & Dítětová Z. (2016): Occurrence and coenology of halophilous species Taraxacum bessarabicum (Hornem.) Hand.-Mazz. (sect. Piesis) in Slovakia – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (1): 41-56. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: We studied historical and recent occurrence of halophilous dandelion Taraxacum bessarabicum (Hornem.) Hand.- Mazz. in Slovakia. Herbarium specimens from 16 public herbaria were revised and field research during 2010–2015 was carried out. In total, circa 60 localities were recorded, 29 sites are documented by herbarium vouchers and 31 sites were excerpted only from the literature and unpublished data. Only five locations were confirmed recently, therefore we suggest keep the listing of the species on the IUCN category EN (endangered). Concerning the phytosociological approach, four recent locations of T. bessarabicum were found in saline vegetation of the alliance Puccinellion limosae, whereas its past frequent occurrence in the alliance Juncion gerardii was failed to confirm. Synanthropic occurrence was observed in Košice along gravel roadsides, between panels and on the edges of parking places and footpaths in stands close to vegetation of alliance Dauco-Melilotion. Distribution map of the historical and recent distribution of the species is given.
Keywords: Taraxacum bessarabicum, habitats, coenology, distribution, Slovakia.
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Dítětová Z., Dítě D., Letz D.R. & Eliáš P. jun. (2016): New records of rare species on exposed river banks and pools in southern Slovakia – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (1): 57-75. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: We present new phytosociological and chorological data of five rare and endangered plant species of Slovakia: Chlorocyperus glomeratus, Dichostylis micheliana, Lindernia procumbens, Heleochloa alopecuroides and Scirpus radicans. All of them are characteristic species of periodical wetland habitats. We observed them in 2015, when optimal wheather circumstances (humid early-vegetation period followed by very dry and warm summer) were present. As they were recorded in new locations within the Podunajská and Východoslovenská nížina lowlands, brief characteristics of the new sites are provided as well. We also point out the negative trend of eutrophication in the natural mudflat vegetation in Slovakia.
Keywords: Danube River, Váh River, Latorica River, Hron River, Zemplínska Šírava, dwarf annual swards, Isoëto-Nanojuncetea, Chenopodion rubri, Scirpetum radicantis.
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Vološčuk I., Škodová M. & Sabo P. (2016): The succession dynamics in karst landscape after wind disturbances of Picea abies L. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (2): 77-90. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: Current views hold that ecological succession is not a simple process. Secondary succession is a consequence of numerous, diverse and complex interactions initiated by disturbances that create opportunities for establishment and renewal of complex life forms within ecosystem. Life history characteristics, interspecific interactions and recent environment combine to create repeatable changes in community composition over time heading towards a climax. The paper presents results of the ecological analyses of succession processess after wind disturbance of artificial spruce ecosystem, established instead of the original Fagetum typicum group of forest types. As an example of natural ecosystem is presented the Fageto-Quercetum group of forest types. Succession of the herb layer is firstly reflected in changes of species abundance and later in changes of dominant species and composition of plant communities. After the wind disturbance of spruce forest the succession started by emergence of  heliophilous and eutrophilous beech herbal components, as well as nitrophilous species. Disturbance has speeded up the transformation of artificial spruce forests to natural mixed beechoak forests that are ecologically much more stable.
Keywords: dynamics, ecological succession, wind disturbance, spruce monoculture, karst landscape.
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Zajac M., Kish R., Kuzemko A., Smatanová J. & Škodová I. (2016): Semi-natural mesic grasslands of Bystrytsya valley (Ukrainian Carpathians). – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (2): 91-123. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: We present the syntaxonomic overview of semi-natural mesic grassland communities (Arrhenatheretalia elatioris and Nardetalia strictae orders) from the Bystrytsya Nadvirnianska river valley in the Ukrainian Carpathians. We collected 55 phytosociological relevés in the 2015 vegetation season using Braun-Blanquet approach. Analyses were conducted by semisupervised K-means classification method and detrended correspondence analysis. Seven grassland types in four alliances were distinguished in the dataset. The Arrhenatherion elatioris alliance involved two associations. Unploughed, regularly long-term mown and sometimes extensively grazed grasslands of the Anthoxantho odorati-Agrostietum tenuis association were more frequent than Poo-Trisetetum flavescentis association developing on fallows (former arable fields). The intensive pastures classified as the Lolio perennis-Cynosuretum cristati association of the Cynosurion cristati alliance were rarely recorded, while the oligotrophic pastures of Violion caninae alliance were more frequent. They consisted of one well differentiated association of semi-wet extensively grazed grasslands of the Polygalo vulgaris – Nardetum strictae association and mesophilous communities forming transitions from Hyperico maculate-Deschampsietum flexuosae, Campanulo rotundifoliae-Dianthetum deltoidis and associations to the Nardo strictae-Agrostietum tenuis alliance. Extensively grazed and often mown grasslands of Campanulo abietinae-Nardetum strictae association and extensive pastures of the Antennario dioicae-Nardetum strictae association belonging to the Nardo strictae-Agrostion tenuis alliance were recorded in higher altitudes. Didukh´s indicator values (DIV) and altitude were used to ecological differentiation of classified grassland types. The main environmental gradient was related to altitude and soil parameters, especially soil acidity and nutrient content (nitrogen) on the first ordination axis and to soil humidity on the second ordination axis.
Keywords: Arrhenatherion elatioris, Cynosurion cristati, meadows, Nardo strictae-Agrostion tenuis, pastures, semi-supervised methods, syntaxonomical classification, Violion caninae.
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Eliáš P. jun., Dítětová Z., Dítě D. & Eliašová M. (2016): Distribution and ecology of the genus Bassia in Slovakia 2: Bassia laniflora (S. G. Gmel.) A. J. Scott. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (2): 125-138. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: The paper is aimed to describe the occurrence and ecology of Bassia laniflora. The study showed that the species occurred in 57 localities at all in five Slovak phytogeographical districts (Ipeľsko-rimavská brázda region, Devínska Kobyla hills, Borská nížina lowland, Podunajská nížina lowland and Východoslovenská nížina lowland); only 14 sites have been recently confirmed (19 %), therefore, current status of the species should be reviewed in the Slovak Red list of ferns and flowering plants. Due frequent confusion with other taxa of the genus the determination key is also published. The species occupied sandy dunes exclusively where is a component of pioneer vegetation in the association Bassio laniflorae-Brometum tectorum, alliance Bassio laniflorae-Bromion tectorum, which are here recorded as new vegetation units to Slovakia.
Keywords: Bassia, Central Europe, coenology, distribution, habitats.
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Homolová Z., Šoltés R., Kyselová Z. & Školek J. (2016): The use of canonical analysis and factor analysis for identification of successional trajectories on disaster area in the Tatra Mts, Slovakia – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (2): 139-152. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: In the present work, the authors provide the results of a nine-year monitoring of the post wind disturbance development in the Tatra Mts in 2004-2013. The authors observed dependency of dominant species Calamagrostis villosa and Chamaerion angustifolium on site management and detected the successional trajectories. In order to achieve the objectives, the authors used factor analysis and canonical analysis. Canonical „R“ value is a trajectory indicator. Calamagrostis villosa recorded maximum development in a favourable light conditions on the EXT (windthrow removed) or NEX (windthrow left) sites in 2008-2011. Due to the overproduction of Calamagrostis villosa, reduced seed germination caused retreat of the plant cover. Chamaerion angustifolium recorded the maximum development in the charred sites rich in nitrogen (FIR), in 2007-2008. In the further development, the falling stocks of nitrogen supply caused the Chamaerion angustifolium abundance decline.
Keywords: Canonical analysis, factor analysis, forest disturbance, permanent quadrats, succession, High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia.
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Enroth J., Uotila P. & Lommi S. (2016): Contributions to the bryophyte flora of Kyrgyzstan – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (2): 153-164. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: Based on a recent expedition, we report 36 moss species and one liverwort species from Kyrgyzstan. Orthotrichum affine Brid. is a new record for the country, and several species are reported as new to various provinces. Many of the species are common in large areas of the Northern Hemisphere, which demonstrates how the bryophyte flora of Kyrgyzstan is still poorly known.
Keywords: bryofloristics, Central Asia, distribution.
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Dítě D. & Dítětová Z. (2016): Halophytes spreading along roadsides of northern Slovakia – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (2): 165-172. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: This contribution provides the first survey of vegetation with Puccinellia distans along the highways of northern Slovakia. Based on phytosociological relevés recorded on the route no. 18 on the section between Važec and Mengusovce settlements the vegetation corresponds with the association PuccinellioChenopodietum glauci of the alliance Coronopodo-Polygonion arenastri. The first record of Spergularia salina on road verges of the same area is also given. Our study confirmed that presence of halophytes on road verges depends strictly on the intensity of road salting. In the southern regions of Slovakia where road salting is less intensive no halophytes were recorded. Roadsides promote expansion of alien species, in the other hand, they provide refugia for rare native species as well.
Keywords: road salting, traffic, secondary habitats, expansion, Spergularia salina.
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Májeková J., Jehlík V. & Zaliberová M. (2016): Railway stations vs. thermophilous species (example from Eastern Slovakia) – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 26 (2): 173-188. – ISSN 1210-0420.

Abstract: Railway habitats host a multitude of plant taxa – both native and alien, including threatened, synanthropic and invasive species. Thermophilous species are also often present at many railway stations due to the high temperature of rails and gravel. The aims of this study are: (i) to document past and current vascular plant flora identified at Košice and Spišská Nová Ves railway stations in Eastern Slovakia (ii) to compare species composition at these stations and (iii) to evaluate species’ temperature preferences at the different climatic regions (at Košice, Spišská Nová Ves, Plaveč and Čierna nad Tisou stations). Recorded plant taxa were; 207 at Košice railway station and 204 at Spišská Nová Ves. Archaeophytes prevailed over neophytes at both stations and the most frequent plant families were Asteraceae, Poaceae and Brassicaceae. Despite the different climates, similar species structure was identified at all studied railway stations.
Keywords: vascular plants, distribution, climate, species thermophility, Ellenberg indicator values, Borhidi indicator values, railway, Slovakia.
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