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THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 34, 2024 – abstracts

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THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 34, 2024 – abstracts
vol. 34/1

vol. 34/2

cover page 34

Bernátová D., Paštová L., Kliment J. & Krahulec F. (2024): Papaver dubium in relic habitats in the Veľká Fatra Mountains. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 34: 001–010. –

Abstract: The occurrence of Papaver dubium L. under overhangs in the Veľká Fatra Mts., Slovakia, is evaluated with respect to its morphology, chromosome number and habitat conditions. We consider its occurrence under overhangs in high altitudes as a relic from the end of Last Glacial or early Holocene.
Keywords: relic occurrence, overhangs, chromosome number, Papaver dubium, morphology.
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Churkova K. & Churkova B. (2024): Impact of fertilizing on biodiversity in pasture ecosystems. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 34: 011–024. –

Abstract: Biodiversity in grazing systems determines production efficiency, system stability and resilience, and nutrient retention. In this relation during the period 2016-2018, a scientific research experiment was conducted on a natural grass stand of the Nardus stricta L. type at an altitude of 1400 m in the area of Chuchul (Bulgaria) of the following rates of fertilization: 1. Untreated (Control); 2. Annual fertilizing with N60P60; 3. First-year fertilizing with N60, and second and third with P60; 4. First-year fertilizing with P60, and second and third with N60; 5. First and second year fertilizing with N60, and third with P60; 6. First and second year fertilizing with P60, and third with N60; 7. First year fertilizing with N60, second year with P60, third year with N60; 8. First-year fertilizing with P60, second year with N60, third year with P60. The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of fertilizing with mineral fertilizers on the biodiversity of a pasture ecosystem and to propose an appropriate way of fertilizing to improve the species diversity of useful components in the grass stand. Biodiversity was determined by the indicator botanical composition of the grass stand, and the species diversity of the components in the grass stand by botanical groups was observed under eight variants of variable mineral fertilizing. It was found that the fertilization increased share of perennial grasses and motley grasses. The species Nardus stricta L., defining the type of pasture, was replaced from the more useful types of grasses, such as: Nardus stricta L., Agrostis capillaris L., Phleum alpinum L., Festuca ovina L., Festuca rubra L., Agrostis alba L., Chrysopogon gryllus L., Dactylis glomerata L., Lolium multiflorum L. The fertilizing effect is most significant in the third year, when both the representatives of grasses and legumes were significantly increased.
Keywords: pasture ecosystems, fertilizing, biodiversity, botanical composition.
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Iemelianova S. M. & Borsukevych L. M. (2024): Habitat preferences and phytocoenotic range of Reynoutria japonica Houtt. in Ukraine. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 34: 025-054. –

Abstract: Based on vegetation plots extracted from phytosociological databases and literature sources, the current distribution of Reynoutria japonica in Ukraine was assessed in terms of habitat preferences and phytocoenotic affiliation. It has been found that R. japonica in Ukraine is spread across four habitat types: anthropogenic areas, floodplain forests, shrublands, and gravel bars. The most frequent occurrences of the studied species were found in anthropogenic habitats covered by mesophilous nitrophilous tall herbs. Within the floodplain habitats, R. japonica was most frequently found in temperate riparian willow-poplar forests and temperate riparian hardwood forests. R. japonica is much less frequently related to shrub habitats and gravel bars. It occurs with different covers, reaching its maximum values on anthropogenic sites. The analysis of the phytocoenotic range of species showed that it is a component of the vegetation belonging to the classes Epilobietea angustifolii, Salicetea purpurea, Alno glutinosae-Populetea albae, and Thlaspietea rotundifolii. The analysis of habitat types and plant communities with the participation of R. japonica in Ukraine showed that the species occurs in ecological environments closely related to those that are characteristic of the species in its native range – mesophylous soils, rich in nutrients, which is a favorable factor in the process of species accelerated adaptation to new territories.
Keywords: invasion, floodplain forest, man-made habitats, expert system, syntaxonomy, Ukraine.
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Eliáš P. Jr. & Kšiňan S. (2024): When the specialization is a curse: distribution of Lolium remotum Schrank in Slovakia. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 34: 055–065. –

Abstract: Distribution of Lolium remotum in Slovakia, a typical linicolous weed, is presented in this paper. The species was recorded in 30 quadrants of the Central European mapping grid; the most of localities were found in the Carpathians which is related to the areas of flax cultivation for the linen industry. While in the 19th century it was relatively common in flax fields, after the First World War it began to decline (flax sown areas decreased by three quarters in former Czechoslovakia during the world economic crisis of 1929-1933). In the second half of 20th century, the synergistic effect of several agrotechnical measures (precise cleaning of the seed, simplification of crop rotation, deep autumn plowing and application of herbicides) manifested; only single locality was documented. At present, it belongs to the extinct species of Slovak flora (RE), it has not been detected for over 60 years.
Keywords: central Europe, flax specialists, flax weeds, occurrence, rare species.
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Dudáš M. (ed.), Eliáš P. Jr., Király G., Kobiv Y., Majerová M., Májeková J., Mikoláš V., Pliszko A., Schmotzer A. & Takács A. (2024): New floristic records from Central Europe 13 (reports 176-197). – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 34: 066-089. –

Abstract: The presented 13 th part of the series includes 22 new records of vascular plants from the territory of Central Europe. In Hungary, 5 species, Clerodendrum trichotomum, Morus indica, Oenanthe banatica, Rumex confertus and Torilis nodosa are mentioned. Single findings of alien Panicum virgatum in Poland as well as Euphorbia lathyris in Romania were recorded. In Slovakia, twelve species, Agrostemma githago, Carex hordeistichos, Camelina sativa subsp. zingeri, Consolida hispanica, Geranium lucidum, Lobularia maritima, Ranunculus pedatus, Reseda phyteuma, Rubus radula, Sagittaria latifolia, Sedum pallidum and Trifolium strictum were recorded. From the Ukrainian Carpathians 3 new records of Euphrasia minima subsp. tatrae, Neotinea ustulata and Salix herbacea were reported.
Keywords: alien, the Carpathians, chorology, Hungary, native species, new findings, Poland, red list species, Romania, Slovakia, vascular plants.
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Goncharenko I., Dvirna T., Tymochko I., Solomakha I., Bezrodnova O. & Solomakha V. (2024): Analysis of the floristic composition of the afforestation belts of the Left-Bank Middle-Dnipro region of Ukraine. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 34: 090–102. –

Abstract: The species composition and the floristic structure of afforestation belt vegetation of the Left-Bank Middle-Dnipro region of Ukraine were studied. The data was obtained during geobotanical studies of forest belts conducted in 2019–2021. A quantitative analysis of the taxonomic, biomorphological structure and diagnostic species proportions of vegetation classes is presented with a detailed analysis of the anthropophyte fraction. The studied vegetation has transitional features between anthropogenic forests and natural broad-leaved forests. On the one hand, we noted the predominance of native species in tree and shrub layers with a differentiated layer structure and the predominance of a competitive type of strategy. On the other hand, we have established a relatively poor or even monotypic species composition with a significant participation of indigenous synanthropic as well as alien species in the herbaceous layer. The studied forest belts represent a distinctive and quasi-stable type of forest vegetation that requires further syntaxonomic study.

Keywords: afforestation belts, floristic structure, alien and invasive species, Forest-Steppe zone.
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Shevera M. M., Shynder O. I., Kolomiychuk V. P., Protopopova V. V., Miskova O. V., Lyubinska L. G., Kalashnik K. S. & Karmyzova L. O. (2024): Euphorbia maculata (Euphorbiaceae) in the flora of Ukraine: introduction history and current distribution. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 34: 103–123. –

Abstract: The study presents findings on Euphorbia maculata L. (Euphorbiaceae) in Ukraine, summarizing its introduction history, current distribution, and ecological characteristics. This alien species of North American origin exhibits progressive expansion. First recorded in 1931 in Lviv it has been documented later in the Crimea (1954) and Odesa (1980). Most known locations (94.5%) were identified after 2017, with over 93 sites within 19 administrative regions. Distribution mapping was based on herbarium data, online citizen-science platforms, and literature sources. In Ukraine, E. maculata is associated with plant communities of the Stellarietea mediae class, typically found in cracks of concrete and pavements at railway stations, walls, parks, and highways. Its colonization is patchy, with populations forming narrow, ribbon-like communities. The species‘ naturalization varies regionally. For example, E. maculata did not establish in Lviv, where it was first recorded. In Odesa and in the Crimea, however, it has become an epoecophyte, forming persistent local populations. Population studies showed that colonysizes ranges from a few individuals to over 1,000 in optimal conditions. The largest population was found in Diukivskyi Park in Odesa, covering more than 0.5 hectares. Population density varies from 2-9 individuals per square meter in compact spaces to 46 individuals in optimal watered areas. Overall, this species is steadily expanding its range in Ukraine.

Keywords: alien plant, biodiversity, geography, naturalization, plant communities, Ukraine.
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Eliáš P. Jr. (2024): Flax weeds in Slovakia: the end of the story? – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 34: 124–138. –

Abstract: In Slovakia, seven species of flax specialists has been identified: Agrostemma linicola, Camelina alyssum, Cuscuta epilinum, Lolium remotum, Silene cretica, S. linicola, and Spergula maxima. Six of them were reliably documented while occurrence of S. linicola is only hypothetical taking into account the occurrence in some surrounding countries in the past. Three taxa had occurred only temporarily and are evaluated as casual neophytes (Agrostemma linicola, Silene cretica, and Spergula maxima). The other three species (Camelina alyssum, Cuscuta epilinum, Lolium remotum) occurred relatively often, especially in areas with large-scale cultivation of flax and well-developed production of linen canvas (Orava region in NW Slovakia and Spiš and Šariš regions in NE Slovakia). They are regarded archaeophytes. While they were relatively common in flax fields in the 19th century, retreating process started after the First World War because flax sown areas decreased by three quarters during the world economic crisis in former Czechoslovakia. In this period, Cuscuta epilinum became extinct. The second and crucial phase of vanishing was taking place after WW2. The synergistic effect of several agrotechnical measures caused extinction of two remaining flax-weeds in fifties (C. alyssum) and sixties (L. remotum). They have belonged to the extinct species of Slovak flora (RE) for more than 60 – 85 years. In addition, with the disappearance of flax weeds, the specific vegetation of the Lolio remoti-Linion alliance vanished without a more detailed research. The only possibility to return (at least some) flax-weeds is deliberate sowing in botanical gardens and open-air museums of folk architecture as well as within the framework of increasing the diversity of the agricultural landscape in extensively cultivated fields and bio-belts.

Keywords: central Europe, decline, distribution, flax specialists, flax weeds, rare species.
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Dudáš M. (ed.), Eliášová M., Eliáš P. Jr., Felbaba-Klushyna L., Jakab G., Király G., Mikoláš V., Pliszko A., Suja J., Takács A., Tóthová M., Tóth P., Turisová I. & Turis P. (2024): New floristic records from Central Europe 14 (reports 198-221). – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 34: 139-158. –

Abstract: The presented 14th part of the series includes 24 new records of vascular plants from the territory of Central Europe. A first record of Barbarea stricta in northern Croatia, as well as single records of Lindernia procumbens in Transcarpathian Ukraine and Limonium hungaricum in Poland was found. In Hungary, 4 adventive species, Diospyros lotus, Salvia farinacea, Torilis nodosa and Vicia lutea, and one autochthonous species, Ventenata dubia are mentioned. Achillea oxyloba subsp. schurii, Bartsia alpina, Doronicum carpaticum, Erigeron alpinus, Gentiana nivalis, G. punctata, Hedysarum hedysaroides and Pinguicula alpina were reported from Maramureş Mts in northern Romania. In Slovakia, six taxa, Monogynella lupuliformis, Senecio ×helwingii, Taraxacum bibulum, T. paucilobum, T. serotinum, Vulpia bromoides and the first report of adventive species Monarda dydima are mentioned.

Keywords: adventive species, Croatia, chorology, Hungary, native species, Maramureş Mts, new findings, Poland, red list species, Romania, Slovakia, Transcarpathian Ukraine, vascular plants.
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