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By-elections to The Student Part of the Academic Senate of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice for the term of office 2011 – 2015

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To the Academic Community of the Rectorate and the University Units
of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

In compliance with the University Act, the Statute of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (hereinafter the UPJŠ) and the Elections Principles to the Academic Senate of UPJŠ in Košice, as amended


I declare the by-elections

at the Rectorate and the University Units of UPJŠ


The Student Part of the Academic Senate of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
for the term of office 2011 – 2015

on 25 October 2012.

The candidates are proposed for members of the AS of UPJŠ by the members of the Student Part of the Academic Community (hereinafter the AC) of the Rectorate and the individual University Units (hereinafter the RaUU) to the Election and Mandate Committee for the elections to the AS of UPJŠ at RaUU for the term of office as from 2011 – 2015.

A candidate may propose him/herself to the AS:

Each proposal of candidate (of the AC member – see Article 8, Section 2 and 3 of the Statute of UPJŠ) must contain:

  1. Name, surname, title, year of study,
  2. The candidate’s written declaration that he agrees with the candidacy in the case the candidate does not propose himself,
  3. Name and surname of the proposer (or the proposers)

The proposals  labelled “Proposal  of candidate for a member of the AS UPJŠ  at the RaUU of UPJŠ“ should be delivered in envelope to the address:

„VaMK pre voľby do AS UPJŠ na RaUP UPJŠ, Šrobárova 2, 041 80 Košice“

until 14:00 of 10 October 2012 to the filing room of the Rectorate of UPJŠ.


In Košice, on 4 October 2012

Ing. Peter Kelbel, Dr., v.r.
Chairman of the Election and Mandate Committee for by-elections to AS of UPJŠ at RaUU

Study at UPJŠ