Summer school on protein stability and folding
27. June 2022 - 07. July 2022, Kosice
Join us and experience lectures in the field of protein science from Slovakian and foreign researchers
Cordelia – application for automatic evaluation of ECG recordings using machine learning and artificial intelligence methods
The CeZIS research group formed by employees of the Košice IT company VSL Software, a. s. and the Faculty of Science at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice developed a solution for automatic evaluation of ECG recordings using machine learning and artificial intelligence methods, and successfully participated in the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2021 competition.
Analysis of ECG recordings using machine learning methods and artificial intelligence
The joint team of the Košice IT company VSL Software, a.s. and the Faculty of Science at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice won 2nd place in the international competition in the analysis of ECG recordings...
New initiative launched to improve access to MMR and HPV vaccines in underserved populations
A new European research initiative has launched to improve equitable vaccine uptake in underserved communities. Funded by the Horizon 2020 Research Programme.
The project aims to increase the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity and attitude of higher education institutes (HEIs) and to strengthen and better integrate into, and engage with, innovation ecosystems in Central and Eastern Europe.
UPJŠ in Košice started to implement the prestigious European project CasProt in the field of protein receptor research in October
As of October 1, 2020, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, as the coordinator of the Horizon 2020 project, started to implement the prestigious project CasProt from the European Framework Program of the EU for Research and Innovation within the framework of the "Twinning" call.
Novel direction for blockchain integration into the mobile network infrastructure published in the prestigious scientific journal IEEE Communications Magazine
The center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences of the Technology and Innovation Park of the UPJŠ in Košice (TIP UPJŠ) have achieved another success.
A unique discovery published in the prestigious journal Current Biology
The results of researchers working at the Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences TIP UPJŠ have recently received several extraordinary responses at the international level.
Faculty of Science research featured on European Commission’s „Research in Brief“ web
The project results provide new knowledge about the neural structures and cognitive processes of learning
Physics in Košice scored in the Nature Index
The scientific results of Slovak universities and scientific institutions ranked 51st in the Nature Index worldwide. The currently published Nature Index ranking covers the period 1.6.2019 - 31.5.2020.
UPJŠ has joined the QWorld network
Researchers from the Institute of Physical Sciences and the Institute of Informatics have created the QSlovakia operational group in cooperation with the Center for Quantum Information Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava.