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AiS2 Project Steering Board Meeting

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The regular meeting of the AiS2 Steering Board will take place on 9-10.2.2023 at the UVZ Danišovce.

The academic information system AiS2 is a software product that fulfils the requirements according to Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and the provisions on the student registry, and assists universities in all processes related to the administration of university studies.

The AiS2 Consortium is a loose association of universities operating in the Slovak Republic, which use AiS2, have concluded a bilateral agreement on the implementation and operation of AiS2 with UPJŠ.
The consortium coordinates its activities through:
a) AiS2 Steering Board,
b) AiS2 Implementation Board,
c) AiS2 Board of Administrators.

The regular meetings will be dedicated in particular to:

  • Evaluating the development and operation of AiS2 in 2022,
  • setting priorities for 2023 and strategic priorities for the next period,
  • the Consortium’s budget for 2023,
  • exchange of experiences.

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