Since 1 April 2024, a Defender of the Rights of Students and Employees of UPJŠ has been working at UPJŠ in situations in which their rights and legally protected interests may be, are or have been threatened due to inappropriate or differing treatment, conflict situations, inaction of the authorities where they should have acted, etc.
The position of Ombudsman at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice is held by prof. h. c. doc. JUDr. Mária Bujňáková, CSc., a lawyer with many years of experience. In carrying out her activities, confidentiality, impartiality and fairness are guaranteed.

Prof. h. c. doc. JUDr. Mária Bujňáková, CSc.
UPJŠ Ombudsman
Prof. h. c. doc. JUDr. Mária Bujňáková, CSc.
Phone: +421 55 234 1260, cell-phone: + 421 907 945 470
Address: Rectorate of UPJŠ in Košice, Šrobárova 2, 041 80 Košice
Workplace: Ground floor, Offices 15 and 16