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The Hornád folklore ensemble has been operating under the financial, material, and ideational background provided by UPJŠ since 2011, representing it at many folklore festivals, The Folklore Festival in Východná, the Myjava International Folklore Festival, or the Podpolianske Slávnosti feast in Detva. The soloists of the Hornád folklore ensemble annually take the first positions among the most prestigious Slovak soloists contests in the popular dance of Šaffova Ostroha, as well as in the Makovická Struna sing-song contest. 

The well-established Chorus Universitatis Šafarikianae choir is made up of University staff and students, and by its activities it contributes to the visibility and dissemination of the University renown. The choir presents its art at many university ventures, ceremonial opening of the academic year, Christmas and summer concert for employees, they participated at the International Festival of Advent and Christmas Music in Prague, Gold Graduation ceremony at the Faculty of Medicine – in its Aula Maxima, the ceremonial concert commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic.

Study at UPJŠ