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Quality of education

1minút, 8sekúnd

Quality of education

The internal quality assurance system at UPJŠ is based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The ESGs were adopted by ministers in charge of higher education as early as in the year 2005 and were revised and modified in the year 2015. The ESGs 2015 are employed in the European education area for internal and external quality assessment of education. The area of internal quality system policies and procedures at UPJŠ focuses mainly on indicators of quality evaluation, such as interconnection of education and research, regular monitoring and evaluation of study programmes, ensuring the qualification development of university teachers, control and monitoring of the teaching process, questionnaire surveys of students, graduates, and staff opinions in the field of education, student and teacher assessment, monitoring and evaluation of quality in science and research, monitoring and evaluation in the field of international relations and cooperation, student involvement in the internal quality assurance system, provision of material, technical and information resources to support the education of students according to the needs of the study programmes, publication of actual, objective, quantitative, and qualitative information on the study programmes and their graduates.

   European Higher Education Area

  European University Association (EUA)

  European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

 European Association of Institutions in Higher Education

European Students’ Union

 European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education


Study at UPJŠ