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Quality culture

2minút, 29sekúnd
„Anticipate the need for change and make it in time,
is the key to advancing the university .”

The quality culture at UPJŠ is expressed by the vision, values and constant support of the university management to the process of improvement.

The quality culture is embodied in strategic goals, the fulfillment of which is monitored by monitoring selected indicators of group and individual performance.

The quality culture at UPJŠ is based on:

  • European Standards and Guidelines, ESG
  • Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Certain Acts
  • Act no. 269/2018 Coll. on quality assurance in higher education
  • standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education,
  • criteria of credit rating agencies,
  • guidelines governing the implementation of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

The importance of quality culture for UPJŠ is anchored in the Statute of UPJŠ. Basic principles, processes and tools of quality culture management are defined by the Rules of the Internal Quality Assurance and Verification System.

The basis for ensuring a quality culture at UPJŠ is the synergistic functioning of educational activities, creative activities and all supporting activities at the university level.


„In order for UPJŠ to be a modern and internationally established institution,
it must constantly look for ways to develop
its personal and scientific potential.“

The main mission of UPJŠ is to provide three-level higher education on the basis of the latest scientific knowledge in a broad international context, in accordance with European trends in this field, the Bologna Declaration and other documents.

UPJŠ declares itself the status of a research university at which internationally recognized scientific research is carried out, which is competitive in both domestic and foreign research environments. UPJŠ is involved in the European Research Area by obtaining international scientific projects or bilateral and intergovernmental agreements on cooperation and participation in European research consortia. Thanks to this, UPJŠ is one of the important and recognized educational and scientific institutions not only in the Slovak Republic, but also in developed Europe.

UPJŠ wants to strengthen its position as a major university, it wants to become a sought-after research partner in Europe, it wants to be an attractive educational place for domestic and foreign students, it wants to increase its influence on economic and social processes not only in Košice, Košice region, but also in Slovakia. By creating mutually beneficial partnerships with employers, the third sector and European consortia, it wants to help increase the real chances of their own graduates in practice and contribute to the development of key sectors of the commercial sector.

Individual strategic goals and tools for their fulfillment are elaborated in the update of the Long-term strategy of UPJŠ for the years 2020 – 2025

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