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Faculty of Public Administration – Bachelor’s study

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The graduate of bachelor´s studies in Social work can work like caseworker   who gains theoretical and practical knowledge of social work. He gains basic knowledge about public administration, autonomous organs in the field of social and criminal state politics, labour law, administrative law, institutional law so he can work as caseworker focused on persons who commited delicts. The graduates is able to analyze problems and possibilities, which are actual in the other socials realms. He gains also knowledge in institutional, criminal and familly law.
The graduate of bachelor´s studies in Public administration are prepared to work as specialized staffer in all the branches of public administration and public sector. The graduates are able to solve the problems and to take decisions in the basic fields and in all the levels of state administration. The graduates gain basic knowledge in the following fields: law, economical sciences, political science and sociology, basic knowledge about EU.

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