Názov: Backbone colorings and generalized Mycielski´s graphs
Autor (i): J. Miškuf, R. Škrekovski a M. Tancer
Názov: Backbone colorings of graphs with bounded degree
Autor (i): J. Miškuf, R. Škrekovski a M. Tancer
Názov: On the existence of nonoscillatory solutions of third order nonlinear differential equations
Autor (i): I. Mojsej
Názov: On the house allocation markets with duplicate houses
Autor (i): K. Cechlárová a T. Fleiner
Názov: On Toeplitz-type operators related to wavelets
Autor (i): O. Hutník
This is a preprint of an article published in Integral Equations Operator Theory 63(1) (2009), 29-46. The original publication is available at http://www.springer.com/birkhauser/mathematics/journal/20
Názov: On the complexity of the Shapley-Scarf economy with several types of goods
Autor (i): K. Cechlárová
Názov: A note on cyclic chromatic number
Autor (i): J. Zlámalová
Názov: Workshop Cycles and Colourings 2008
Autor (i): I. Fabrici, M. Horňák a S. Jendroľ, ed.
Názov: Colouring vertices of plane graphs under restrictions given by faces
Autor (i):J. Czap a S. Jendroľ